
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Boot Camp Tip -- If you want, download IE 6. Go to Windows Update in your Start Menu: Start > Settings > Windows Update. (Or go here. When it takes you to the Microsoft site, go to Products updates. Please note that upgrading it will break QuickTime and Java. To fix Quicktime, go to apple.com and a window will automatically pop up asking you if you want to install QuickTime (say yes.) Leo says download IE 6 for extra security and reliability, Patrick advises against it. You decide.

Boot Camp call 1 -- Brian from Lavinia, TN wants to know if any of the speed-up browsing services are they worth it? Win 95 was improperly configured to run your modem they would fix your registry entries. But since 98, you don't need any such optimizers, because the OS optimizes your modem settings itself. If you want, you can test out your connection with this online utility.

Boot Camp call 2 -- Louis from Pumpkin Center, NC wants to know how he can recover something that he's deleted from the recycle bin. The trick is not to do anything that writes to the disk. Why? Well, the data's not actually gone yet -- what's happened is that Windows has put an upside down e has at the beginning of the file name of any file that was in the Bin. This marks the file's data as fair game to be written over by any new data. But if any hard drive access occurs, then there is a chance the data could be lost. An unerase program goes through files marked as deleted and changes those upside down e's back to the original first letter of the file name. The trick is you can't install an unerase program because that requires hard drive access. What you can do is run an unerase program from a floppy or compac disc, instead of installing it. Louis fortunately has Norton Utilities, the new versions of which let you run them from the disc. If you don't have such a program, get! a friend to download an unerase utility from hotfiles or a similar place and have them put it on a disc for you to run from your drive. Read more about recycle bin tricks here.

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2001


INTERNET EXPLORER 6.0 Here's what to expect from the latest version of the Microsoft browser. http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/products/story/0,23008,3334601,00.ht ml

SHORTCUT PRIMER Learn how to make shortcuts for your favorite programs. http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/answerstips/story/0,23008,3011137,00 .html

GIFS BE GONE Turn off annoying animated Web graphics with this tip http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/answerstips/story/0,23008,3343252,00 .html

ALL THE LINKS FOR TODAY'S SHOW http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/shownotes/story/0,23008,3344626,00.h tml -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2001

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