What we did to Levygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
By: John LeBoutillier
Yesterday I spoke to "RJ” – an inside-the-Beltway source who, over the years, has never steered me wrong. RJ said, "John, do you know the true story of Gary Condit?”
RJ continued then proceeeded to outline a scenario for what happened in this case:"Condit has been known inside the gay community here in DC for being a big, big user of gay male prostitutes – especially blacks from the Caribbean who ride motorcycles and love to wear black leather.
"Condit lives in Adams Morgan – a terrible commute to and from the Hill – and it is a notorious neighborhood for gays and bisexuals.
"Now, here is the dirty little secret behind the disappearance of Chandra Levy: Condit goes both ways. He likes to get sodomized by male prostitutes before having sex with women. The gay sex turns him on and he can then "perform” with women.
"Condit had one particular Caribbean male prostitute that he frequented. When it was determined that Chandra had to go, this guy was given the assignment. He picked her up on his motorcycle, took off some where, killed her, and dumped her body. Then, on orders from Condit and with money from Condit, he headed back to Haiti or wherever he came from – far, far away from investigators and the Feds.”
The media has heard all of this - but has yet to report it. The other night, both Michael Issikoff of Newsweek and Tom Squitieri of USA TODAY referred to "dark aspects of this story that we can’t report yet.”
Other media players are aware of all of this – and more: apparently Condit liked three-ways and even four-ways with himself, the male gay prostitute and two women.
Some of his girlfriends obviously knew of this over the years; some participated in the three-way sex. This explains his absolute paranoia over any of the girls ever talking about their relationships with him. And it explains the fear we are now hearing about from not just the flight attendant, Anne Marie Smith, but others, too.
This also explains why Abbe Lowell only wants one or two questions asked on the lie detector, such as, "Do you know what happened to Chandra?” Condit probably does not know - on purpose - what the gay male prostitute did with her – so he might very well successfully pass that question on a lie detector test.
No wonder Lowell doesn’t want wide-ranging questions. All of this horrible mess would soon be revealed and confirmed.
As for Chandra leaving her apartment with only her keys? As RJ put it, "Perhaps the only time a woman would leave her purse behind would be to ride on the back of a motorcycle.”
Now, the big questions are these:
1) Is the FBI honestly investigating this absolutely perverted behavior and this scenario?
2) Do the Feds have the guts to pursue such a sick scenario?
3) Does the media – many of who already know much of this – report it – and expose this sick bisexual and gay behavior? Recently the Mainstream Media loves to portray gay victims of violent crime but often ignores gay perpetrators of violent crime. Will the media put aside their Politically Correct view of bi-sexualism and prostitution and tell the truth here?
4) Will the Feds track down this gay male black prostitute – or multiple gay prostitutes – who have had dealings with Condit?
If RJ’s scenario if accurate then poor Chandra – and other Condit girlfriends – have fallen into the sickest group of perverts imaginable.
No wonder Condit, representing a conservative district, went bananas every time one of his girlfriends talked.
Buckle your seatbelts: things are going to explode soon.
John LeBoutillier is a former U.S. Congressman and a nationally recognized political commentator. He has been a frequent guest on many national talk show programs, including the Today show, ABC's 20/20, Nightline and CNN's Crossfire.
Published in the July 14, 2001 issue of Ether Zone. Copyright © 2001 Ether Zone (http://www.etherzone.com). Reposting permitted with this message intact.
-- (Sonny Barger@Hell's.Angels), August 29, 2001
8.29.01 UPDATE:Condit's Kink (One of Them) Revealed
Family-Viewing Alert: Offensive Material Contained Herein:
"Investigative writer Todd Brendan Fahey, who has detailed at length the Luray, Virginia/Condit connection for EtherZone.com, is reporting that the `sexual details' which flight attendant Anne Marie Smith and her attorney Jim Robinson are reluctant to speak of on `family television' are of the anal variety--and not upon Ms. Smith.
Fahey is reporting today that he has learned that Gary Condit favors anal stimulation with various sexually-related appliances when with his women paramours, and that the DNA of Condit's, which Anne Marie Smith `might' have, may be contained on one or more of those sex toys.
His discovery might lend weight to former Congressman John LeBoutillier's shocking article, which was axed at NewsMax and resurrected at EtherZone.com, that Mr. Condit is bisexual and enjoys `being sodomized' by men before his encounters with women."
...Developing AheadNews.com Exclusive
-- HAHAHA (conneditisG@Y.com), August 30, 2001.
bye bye america,the politically-[compromisers]will say=SO WHAT?? A SICK-SOCIETY--GET'S WEAKER & WEAKER. E-Z TARGET.
-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), August 30, 2001.
Al, it may not be all that bad. We only hear about it when they get caught. See, they're getting caught. The situation is corrected by having them removed from office when they get caught.
-- helen (catch@that.politician), August 30, 2001.
This is scurrilous right-wing agit-prop.
-- (Leon Trotsky @ gotcha.dacha), August 30, 2001.
From the article:"Now, the big questions are these:
1) Is the FBI honestly investigating this absolutely perverted behavior and this scenario?
2) Do the Feds have the guts to pursue such a sick scenario?"
The FBI is supposed to investigate crimes. There is good reason to believe that a crime was committed in the case of Chandra Levy. However, "three way sex" among consenting adults is not a crime. Even if one of them is a Congressman.
For those (like John LeBoutillier) to whom these are "the big questions" that government investigators should be pursuing, the answers are simple: first we should have the FBI exhaustively investigate their sexual activities and report on them in the media, then have the IRS audit them within an inch of their lives and report their findings in the media, and finally all their medical files should be opened to public scrutiny. Once a year for the rest of their lives.
-- Little Nipper (canis@minor.net), August 30, 2001.
Condit has a right to consort with rough trade but not if he wants to keep such behavior a secret and serve on the House Intelligence Committee. This makes him a candidate for blackmail and thus a national security risk.You surprise me LN. This "story" is hearsay and 6 week old hearsay at that. If there were anything to it, Woodward and Bernstein would be all over it.
Wouldn't they?
-- Lars (lars@indy.net), August 30, 2001.
Whether or not Condit serves on the Intelligence committee is immaterial to me. It is an internal matter of the House of Representatives."You surprise me LN."
What surprised you? That I would respond at all? It just grated me bad enough to wish the FBI would give this LeBoutillier a good stiff dose of the medicine he seemed to think Condit deserved. I suppose you are right. It was beneath notice.
-- Little Nipper (canis@minor.net), August 30, 2001.
Regardless of the validity of this story, how can we as a society, be willing to except this type of behavior from an elected government official?Even a ‘live and let live’ attitude MUST come with boundaries and restraints.
Just My Opinion.
-- Just (my@2.cents), August 30, 2001.
Remember how the media, congress and the femi-nazis handled Bob Packwood?
-- George S Patton (JustKickin@ss.org), August 30, 2001.
Remember how Packwood handled an underage female?
-- helen (i@may.remember.that), August 30, 2001.
Little Nipper, when someone's sexual activity reaches the point where good sense and social caution are compromised, that person probably shouldn't be in a position critical to national defense. (But I'd STILL vote for Unk.)
-- helen (sodomy@statutes.still.exist), August 30, 2001.
Coming from someone with a close personal relationship with goats and a fondness for beards this attitude surprises me.
-- Jack Booted Thug (governmentconspiracy@NWO.com), August 30, 2001.
Where's J. Edgar Hoover when you need him?
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), August 31, 2001.
Condit spokesperson Marina Ein deserts sinking ship.
-- (Roland@hatemail.com), August 31, 2001.
JBT, I'll have you know that I have NEVER been in a position that was critical to national defense.
-- helen (not@that.position), September 01, 2001.
Helen: I don't remember the "underage girl" part of Bob Packwood's deal; he was a serious juicer, and no Congress needs someone like him (plus, he was liberal Pubbie...a Jeffords-on-steroids...am glad to see him gone).I do know that two underage girls (15-16, at the time) testified to police and in court, in Modesto, CA, IN 1983 and 1986, as to being accosted sexually by Gary Condit. Neither case reached trial, and the California Democrat Party machine covered for Condit on this one for years. "Youthful indescretion," perhaps (he was 30 or thereabouts...a 15-year old at 30 is supposed to get one five-to- twenty).
It sickens me, about our country, that he is still in office, has never been censured, even, and sits now on four (4) Intel. committees (having been added to the new Homeland Security whateveritis, the unConstitional outfit being led by Tom Ridge).
-- Todd Brendan Fahey (fargone@disinfo.net), October 20, 2001.
You guys have a lot of nerve, criticizing the honorable senator. A bit conspiratorial too. You can't get to, and remain in Congress or anywhere else in upper levels of government without practicing near saint-like behavior. Everybody knows that, so knock it off.
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), October 20, 2001.
BTW, this story is 6 months old, not six weeks.
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), October 20, 2001.