I'm with Stupid

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread


Sorry, but I don't know who to do the link thing.

It's about how to find love after divorce. It's directed at women. A couple of the points encourage women to feign ignorance about "guy" stuff in order to attract a man.

Does anyone find this as repulsive as I do?


-- Anonymous, August 29, 2001


“Did you see that cow back there?”

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Ladies! Not a good pickup line.

What's up with the advice to give your phone number to anyone with a pulse, but then right after that, "Don't call him!" like you don't want to seem too desperate?

Chris, I agree, the "barbell" and "screwdriver" crap is pretty low. Assuming women know absolutely nothing about these things? Telling women not to use their brains when relating with men? Excellent. But aside from that, it's just bad advice. What guy who's in the middle of his work out, or has a hot water heater flooding his basement, wants to deal with some ditz who's obviously playing dumb? There are places where people have a reasonable expectation of being hit on; all other places, you run the risk of inconveniencing or annoying someone. And that's not sexy.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2001

It's not as bad as some of the stuff I've seen. But that thing about fast men and their racecars -- ha!

I wouldn't, however, recommend going to a youth sports game deliberately to meet men, with no connection to any of the kids. Youth teams don't usually (in my experience) have longstanding fans, and I think it would be just too obvious that you were hanging around to meet guys.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2001

Okay, on the one hand this makes me feel ill. But on the other hand, you have to remember that this article is directed at widowed and divorced middle-aged women, who probably haven't been on a date since 1963.

Avoid hanging out around race car crews, however; the men are too fast.

But this did make me laugh. They're too fast. Get it?! Too FAST. Duh.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2001

When Master V gets home, I'm going to comment on his roast beef. You know, just to keep the romance alive.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2001

And some of us will be watching you do it, AB.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2001

GROSS! Quit it!

This totally off-topic post has been brought to you by me.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2001

Here is what doesn't make sense to me. If a woman acts ignorant of guy things, the "left handed screw driver" for example, and then attracts a man who likes his women to be ignorant of guy things; how is that relationship going to work?

Will she consistantly have to play dumb in order to keep the guy? And isn't that just lying?

And assuming she pulls it off, how frustrating is that? Have you ever put together furniture from IKEA with another person who knows how to use tools? Imagine doing it and having to play dumb about what is going on, the whole time thinking, "What an ass! Use the quarter inch socket, the quarter inch!"

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2001

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