neg. carrier : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I think I have a full frame neg. carrier. I have to crop out the black edges if I don't want them. It is not an etched neg. carrier. I know what that is. If I leave the black edges on the picture, i seem to get a bleeding effect of the black on to the white paper. Do you know what causes this? Thanks.

-- Erinn (, August 28, 2001


I am not getting a good picture of what you are talking about. But, are the edges of the negative opening in the carrier black, or bare metal?

-- Ed Farmer (, August 29, 2001.

I've seen this bleeding effect when using a cut out matte board as an easel. The edges are not in complete contact with the paper surface and the black will bleed into the white margin. Check your easel to be sure all of the blades are completely in contact with the emulsion.

-- Gene Crumpler (, August 29, 2001.

If I'm reading this correctly, it sounds as if your negs are a bit over exposed causing you to print darker and thereby giving you a bleed. Try cutting back your exposure/ development to see if this helps. You do have a full frame negative carrier and with some, it is an artful way to print.

-- Scott Walton (, September 04, 2001.

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