How can I capture stills from my mpg file? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Anyone can help?

-- Huaien Li (, August 27, 2001


The simplest way is to ...Pause the mpg file ...make the window as big as possible (not maximum or full-screen) ...hit Print-Screen Windows Paint ...and paste it... you have got your freeze.

A better method is to install VCD Power-Player software which has a button specially to grab stills.

-- Chetan Umarje (, August 27, 2001.

Thank you, Chetan Umarje. I tried the Pause with Windows Media Player but couldn't find the Print Screen. I wonder if you can make it clearer: Which software should I use to open the Mpeg?

-- Huaien Li (, August 27, 2001.

In Windows Media Player...maximize the window (but not full- screen)...then pause at the desired location.....then hit the "Print- Screen" button on the keyboard (which is next to the F12 button in the top most row)...then open Windows Paint and paste it (drop down edit menu and click on paste)....then save it as a BMP image.. as simple as that.. Good-luck!

-- Chetan Umarje (, August 30, 2001.

You can use Virtualdub to do it. In Virtualdub,firstly,click open video file, then it runs through the entire mpg file. As how long it takes will depend on your mpg file size. Once it fully loaded, you can move in indicator below where you want to see. Once the picture is located, use "alt-print screen", then paste on a MSpaint.


-- SY CHAI (, March 07, 2002.

In Virtualdub, after the file is loaded, Click "video" follow by "copy source frame to clip board", then open up the MSpaint and "paste". That all you need !

-- SY CHAI (, March 10, 2002.

Great simple program that I use is MYFlix v3.0. Not only can you load your mpg file then scroll to the particular frame that you want and take a snapshot of said frame (under file,snapshot) saves as a jpg file but it also allows you to edit your mpg (change start and finish by cropping) you can also use it to join mpgs together providing they are the same format (that is same bit rate, frame rate, video standard etc. if they aren't you the same it will tell you, in which case modify the offending culprit in TMPGEnc to the required standard).

Hope this helps as I've only been playing with video cd creation for a week or so, but I have managed to create to good VCD's of music video clips so I know that it works for me.

Wish you good success in your efforts.

-- Shane DeLacy (, June 25, 2002.

Whenever I capture a still from an mpg, the screen is black; all I get is the program around it. Anyone know why that is?

-- Ben (, November 06, 2003.

Use Capturex for it, it's excellent

-- (, December 03, 2003.

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