Serial number on 50mm Summicron? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Oh, for a search engine! I'm sure this has been asked before but where do I find the serial number on my 50mm f/2.0 (latest version)? I need it to get my rebate. BTW, Leica USA tells me the rebate deal has been extended to the end of the year.

-- Fergus Hammond (, August 27, 2001


I don't know if this will help, but the last non-aspheric 35mm Summicron had a "hidden" serial number for a time. It is located on the inside of the aperture ring (facing aft), opposite the numbers, and can be seen best when the lens is set for its closest distance. I don't know about the 50mm 'cron, but you might look there. For the longest time, I thought my 35mm 'cron had no serial number until I found it by accident.

-- Al Smith (, August 27, 2001.

Some of the latest versions of the 50/2 have the serial number on the aperture adjustment ring. No it is not 22.845.681116 :-)


-- John Collier (, August 27, 2001.

I've got the 50mm Summicron latest version, which I've just bought new (1 week ago), and the serial number is on the front, between 'E39' and 'Leica'.

Hope this helps.

-- Nigel Bowley (, September 01, 2001.

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