Bishop Ming's Condition : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Reverend George Smith or anyone: What is the current condition of Bishop Ming's health, and how is the church accommodating for it?


-- Anonymous, August 26, 2001


Bishop Ming's health as I know it remains unchanged. He is walking by faith and thanking God each step of the way. He also thanks us as members of the family of God for our prayer support. Since the First Episcopal District Christian Education Congress he has done like many of us...enjoyed some holiday time. The First is following his leadership. We do not accommodate Bishops...we follow them as they follow Christ, no malace...the question was appropriate and Bishop Ming is glad to know that there are people concerned about him and praying for him.

-- Anonymous, August 26, 2001

Please clarify "unchanged". Some of us were not aware of his condition except that he was unable to exercise the duties of the Episcopal District. Is that his current condition?


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, August 27, 2001

My interpretation of his condition as unchanged is in keeping with what he has experienced most of this year and since taking ill at the close of the Bermuda Annual Conference where he received a hero's welcome home. I would not be incline to suggest that Bishop Ming is not able to exercise the responsibilities of his office. I do accept that he is not as physically active as other Bishops of the Church, but they are not walking with like challenges, although some do have their health challenges. Regrettably, Bishop Ming and other leaders of the Church are not afforded time or opportunity to heal as they sometimes require.

Aside from the death of his wife and partner in life, Bishop Ming has faced his own illness. From personal conversations before the Bermuda Annual Conference and since, I am satisfied that Bishop Ming is still able to lead and direct the affairs of the First Episcopal District. I am also thankful to his family, staff, the Presiding Elders Council, the Clergy and Council of Bishops who stand with him as he still seeks to allow God to use him.

As a member of the clergy in the First Episcopal District, I thank all of you from across the Connection for supporting Bishop Ming with your prayers. I believe as he continues to wait on God that all of us are learning lessons from his illness. Most of all, I believe we are learning how to love and support those whom God has placed over us.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

I would respectfully disagree with you on the point of our leaders not being able to take the time to heal. Our church has made provisions for that by the system of Location. It is unseemly for one to think that he/she is the only one that can accomplish God's will.

Think about this: Do we sometimes get in the way of God's will by trying to accomplish what we believe to be a good work? Could we actually be working against God's program sometimes? What about the extraordinary measures to prolong life in medical circles?


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

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