HUMOR : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

WHILE I WAS BROWSING in the dress section of a department store, another shopper struck up a conversation with me. "My daughter is getting married soon," she told me, eyes glowing. "She's engaged to a doctor." After the woman left for the dressing room, the bride-to-be approached and apologized for her mother's interruption. "Oh, it was no bother," I replied. "She told me how happy she was that your fiancée is a doctor." "Yes," she said with a sigh. "But mother always neglects to tell people I'm a doctor also." -- Contributed to Reader's Digest "Life in These United States" by Kim McDonald

-- Anonymous, August 26, 2001


Old habits die hard. Just look at most nuns.

-- Anonymous, August 26, 2001

LOL, Barefoot!

-- Anonymous, August 26, 2001

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