Abby you are my Angel!!! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Agent Scully.. Good Work.. I could not have done better!You came into this cyber world a neophyte... you were scared... You took on the moniker of a cyber brease...or was it a cyber tease?
You ran the confidence game better than any pro.. the TB crowd loved you took you under their wing, Listened to all of your "information" and believed it. True believers...
Then you took the knife and struck! GOOD WORK! Kill the TB! They are EVIL and you know this to be true.
Only YOU (and I) Know the Truth and we are not telling...
Spread the gospel, make sure that it is heard far and wide... Post your new site to every board that exists, the time is NOW, go forth and make known my words...
You are my angel...Go in peace, thank you!!!
The Best is yet to come! (and maybe in you!!)
-- Thank You (, August 25, 2001
Abbylane2001:I am worried for you. You gave your email and address to both Vipper and Denis. They may turn against you! You need to be prepared. They are very vindictive. Get your sheilds up Girl.
They may be at your door tomorrow. WATCH OUT!
This is not a drill, this is for REAL.
-- Country Mouse (, August 25, 2001.
This is a plant, pure lies, Steve Best would not say in a public forum that he "will come in abby" this is just pure porn and even too low for this forum.I say that this is troll bait.
My 2cents.
-- BULL SH*T (BS@ForSure.Com), August 25, 2001.
I tried to log in to the new Abby only forum and I was rejected.It apears to be a mutual admiration socitey, and I am not invited.
So much for Open Discussion, hell they even let Olsen in, but not me.
-- Clueless (, August 25, 2001.
Abby you suck. your posts are all fucked. We all are so glad ran out of luck.Your ugly as shit and missing one tit so why not just shoot yourself like a dead duck.
Your posts filled with shit, lack any damn wit and now please go die you dumb slut.
-- hater (, August 25, 2001.
You people are really weird!Abby
-- Abby Lane (, August 25, 2001.
Lotsa new names.
-- Carlos (, August 25, 2001.
My Angel BabyToby Beau
We've got trouble, something's just not right
Just this morning you cried about last night
You said that something's bound to break this time
What's breakin' is my heart
I can read between the lines
It's tearin' me apart
you've got leavin on your mind
But you're my angel baby
But you're my angel baby
But you're my angel baby
for the rest of the night
-- (Toby Beau@19.58), August 25, 2001.
Abby,Looks like you have a follower.Now,do you see that cliff just ahead?That's right,keep walking.......
-- (, August 25, 2001.
Hi Abby,Rest assured, most here are fairly nermal people with a twist, who don't like the idea of a Grande Censor.Glad to have you aboard, though the sailing is sometimes a bit, shall we say "not so smooth", the freedom is well worth the trade off versus the alternative.
Maybe I should re-open up the bar and buy the 1st few rounds : )_
-- capnfun (, August 25, 2001.