SL - Governor declares western Alaska fishing industry a disaster : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Governor declares western Alaska fishing industry a ''disaster,'' to seek federal aid

By Mike Chambers, Associated Press, 8/24/2001 20:15

JUNEAU (AP) Gov. Tony Knowles declared western Alaska's commercial fishing sector an economic disaster on Friday, a step toward seeking federal aid for the beleaguered industry.

Officials compared the industry which is suffering from dwindling numbers of salmon and low prices to past Midwest farm failures which prompted federal crop supports to help growers weather poor markets.

''We think that would be appropriate in Alaska as well,'' said Lt. Gov. Fran Ulmer, who made the announcement for Knowles, who was traveling to Canada on Friday.

Knowles plans to ask President Bush for federal ''transition'' funds for coastal and inland communities stretching from Bristol Bay to Norton Sound which rely heavily on commercial fishing. The region, which begins about 300 miles west of Anchorage, also takes in the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers.

No dollar figure was provided.

Farm-raised salmon from places such as Chile and Norway have flooded international markets in recent years, driving down prices for wild salmon. Alaska commercial fishermen have received 40 cents per pound on salmon this year, down from a peak price of $2.11 in 1988.

At the same time, the sockeye salmon harvest in Bristol Bay has fallen to 14.2 million fish so far this year, half the number caught 10 years ago. Federal efforts to conserve sea lion populations have limited the catch on other fish species.

Knowles plans to hold a series of meetings to devise a plan for creating a more diversified economy in villages that are almost solely dependent on fishing activities.

In the meantime, the state will redirect some social services to the villages, now preparing for winter. The state will also seek more Bureau of Indian Affairs funds for tribes in the region.

Commercial fishermen who met with Knowles on Aug. 8 to discuss their plight said they can't weather the storm much longer.

''I think there's a number of fishermen who didn't come back to fish this year,'' said Andy Golia, a Bristol Bay fisherman. ''There's a lot of folks out there who depend solely on fishing. Jobs are very limited in the villages.''

Some fishermen are calling for a federal or state buyback of fishing permits which at Bristol Bay can cost about $40,000 each, in an effort to thin out the western Alaska fleet, Golia said.

But Knowles spokesman Bob King said that idea could cost tens of millions of dollars and there's no guarantee it would effectively reduce the number of commercial fishing operations.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

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