OT - Today, I feel like crap

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Sorry for the rant, but today I feel really like crap, actually worse than crap.

I had to fire someone today. I'd given him every chance to step up to the plate. Even extended his probation for 90 days. Guess he didn't want to play ball. Still I feel like crap, as he really was a nice kid. Maybe him being a kid was the problem, in that he wasn't ready for a real career and didn't want to devote his working hours to work.

Still, I feel like crap.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001


Don't feel too bad. he'll probably find a nice career in crime, now.


-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Sorry, Sheeple. You sound like a caring manager. I'm sure there are others who appreciate that, and some day he may understand the difference as well and pull himself around.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Well, I find it very refreshing and extremely encouraging that there are still people around who feel bad about having to do something tough and unpleasant to solve a problem. The guy who fired my husband and his (by now) 40 or 50 colleagues actually seemed to enjoy doing it. I mean, why else would he three times fly all the way from out west to fire these people? Why wouldn't this busy CEO send someone else? Why not just a pink slip with no personal visit? His wasn't "this-is-a-filthy-job-but-somebody-has-to-do-it" attitude, there was no apology, no regret, office e-mail was immediately cut off, and so on. No help, no thanks, no nuthin'. And we now find out this shutdown of the software division was probably planned over a year ago. Good thing I didn't know that at the time or before Sweetie found another job.

Don't worry Sheeps, if you hadn't felt lousy I would have thought something was wrong. Been there, done that, felt the same way, no matter how deserving the termination. It means you're a good human being.

Today we had to put Mojo to sleep because he tested positive for feline leukemia. Had to be done. He was "fired." We couldn't risk him infecting the other cats; we couldn't really afford to isolate and take special care of a cat that was going to be chronically ill for a long time, probably years. He was a neat guy, too. Same thing :) Pat yaself on the back, woman!

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Old Git,

You have my hugs and heart for Mojo. I know how hard that is.

I guess this kid should be glad that he still is walking. ;) I can see OG .... guns smokin... "Done.... Next!" LOL

Again, sorry for Mojo, but sometimes things must be. At least he isn't in any pain anymore.


-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Yep--there's a cure for his problem! No cure for feleuk.

A stray, Mojo had been isolated in the den for a couple of months while we tried to figure out how to get him to the vet for neutering, shots, etc. He was terrified of carriers and cages. He tasted the tranquilizer pills in the food, so that didn't work--twice! Finally, the head vet tech came over this morning and we managed to get a needle in his butt for the necessary two seconds. Within five minutes, he was completely out. We weren't too surprised to find out he was feleuk positive because in the nine years we've been here, there have been two other strays who tested positive--but there were also more that didn't (we have five of them!), so we had some hope. The Hungarian had become attached to him and was going to give him a home, so she's upset too. He'll be cremated and go into H's backyard.

Nothing else to be done. At least he had two good, safe, happy, comfortable months inside and he won't infect/impregnate other cats or die a nasty death outside somewhere--or be carried off by raccoons or something.

Now if only your ex-employee could see the point!

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

I sent these pictures to dottie to use in the cafe at IC, but mabe you would enjoy something that you could smile at.

My favorite is the one with the hydrant, btw...

Hope you enjoy them!

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Oh YES! Thanks! I like them all and I bet Sheeps does too. I think, though, I like the giraffe pic best. I love the look on the baby's face.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Here's another anti-crap picture:

New Zealand News

Max the swimming lamb takes a dip in the pool with Bill Hale. Picture / Brett Phibbs

Lamb just loves to have a dip

24.08.2001 By BRIDGET CARTER

Max looks, smells and sounds like a lamb, but the 3 1/2-week-old animal thinks he is a dog.

He sleeps in a bedroom, sits by the fire at night, and, at the weekends, takes a dip in the family swimming pool.

His owner, Nikki Browne, says Max is the only sheep she has seen that has taken to the water.

In April, Nikki Browne moved with her partner, Bill Hale, to a farm in Waiwera, north of Auckland. They have about 60 sheep.

Max - a triplet - was taken in and nursed by the couple when he almost died from pneumonia.

"Last weekend was his first weekend outside and decided the pool was a bit of fun, so in he went," she said.

"He is not baa-ing or in distress ... it is quite bizarre ... he just paddles around like a dog."

Max took his first dip on Saturday. He dived in the pool and swam around the edge, before being pulled out by Bill.

Then on Sunday he did the same thing when Nikki was gardening.

Now Nikki plans to keep the swimming pool off-limits to the water-bound creature.

Nikki describes Max as "very cute". He sleeps in a box beside her bed.

"Every time you get up in the middle of the night he wakes up ... he is quite a hard case."

He loves the dogs and thinks one of them is his mum.

Sometimes he nuzzles away at one of the dogs to try to get milk.

"The dog loves it because he is getting his stomach rubbed."

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Barefoot, I simply LOVE them. Thanks, I needed them.

Leave it to Old Git to pull up a story of my kin. ;) Thanks, I needed the chuckle.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

"I love the look on the baby's face." I think Mom Giraffe was engaging in that great sucking sound that Ross P. likes to talk about. Looks like the poor girafflet is about to disappear!

Sorry about Mojo.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

((((OLD GIT)))) words fail me right now...My logical mind says I know you had to do it, ...my emotional mind aches for you having to make the choice.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Sea otters are always good for anti-crap pictures.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Sheeple-- Some lessons have to be learned the hard way. It sucks that you had to be the one to teach that to him, though. Things like that make me glad I'm just a peon.

Old Git--Sorry about Mojo, but it was for the best. We've had two cats put down because of feluk. One had developed an intractable liver infection and the other had chronic respiratory infections. I wish we'd had them tested before they got so sick.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

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