Scalped : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

The only good Indian is a Liberal Indian

-- Lars (, August 24, 2001


As a born-again Xtian, I believe that the tomahawk-chop is not racist. Ted disagrees but he will not change the name of the Braves because he is a greedy asshole.

-- (La Fonda@J Carter.Christian Camp), August 24, 2001.

I enjoyed that reading Lars. Thanks.

This one was good -

It’s A Warrior Thing. You Wouldn’t Understand.

-- Debra (, August 24, 2001.

Thank you Debra, glad you liked it. I never heard of the guy but I think I'll check out some more of his stuff. Actually, I posted it for Helen.

Regarding names of sport teams, I think it would be cool if an NBA team called itself "The Zulus". That would be a tribute to the 90% of the players who are black and also a tribute to the fierce Zulus. This would quickly lead to the Tutsis, the Masai, etc. The Celtics should be the first to change their name.

-- Lars (, August 25, 2001.

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