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Eliminating Sticky Messes Can't stand cleaning up the leaky sticky messes from ice cube trays filled with fruit juices? You won't have to — if you use a turkey baster to fill the trays right in the refrigerator

Flush It--Forget It

Those of us who live on a municipal sewer can pretty much flush it and forget it, at least until the bill comes. Those who live with a septic system don't get a monthly bill -- but it comes due with a bang sooner or later.

A septic tank processes waste to a certain extent, but every three to five years it will probably need to be pumped out. If you never have or can't remember the last time the tank was pumped it may be about time. The life span of a septic system can vary greatly, but 20 years is close to typical. Know the location of your tank and the drain field connected to it. The number of trucks that have fallen into or damaged a septic tank while delivering materials for home construction projects is legion.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001


Seat Belt Buckles Burning? Your car sits in the sun and the seat belt buckles become hot. To prevent this problem, cut out a ribbed section of an old athletic sock; then slip it over the metal part of the buckle. No more hot stuff on skin.


Stubby screwdrivers, stubby wrenches, now there is a stubby paintbrush. Sure, you could just cut the handle off a regular brush and make one of your own, but these stubbies have a nice grip and a good balance. Many painters choke up on a paintbrush anyway, so why waste all that handle? In all fairness, there are times and tight quarters where a long handle is a hindrance. Check out the stubby paintbrush at your local home center.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

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