The CONDIT INTERVIEW - Post 'em here! : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Please post your impressions of Condit--if you can, do it within the first few minutes of the interview. If you can't, please jot down your feelings about it.This is, apparently, a photo of Condit from the interview by ABC/AP. He seems to have changed his hairstyle.
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001
Yes, his hair is a more in keeping with his age. Wow, VERY nervous, wired. Mouth won't stay still after answering questions. Smile hovers, even when asked if he killed Chandra Levy. Chung is recapping the story, but some clips were shown in advance.
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001
you talk about side-stepping, and reheasred answer, and just general BS!!!! He acts like someone with something to hide, but in all fairness, I 'd be like a cat on a hot tin roof if I was in that hot seat!!!I wasn't aware that Connie had such "sharp teeth!!!!!"
ps, I have been having trouble with the connection all day, I'll be on, then it just "dies".
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001
SAR, did you notice this one:Chung asked him if they discussed their future that last time she visted his apartment. He said no, they never had a cross word. Who said anything about an argument? HE did!!! He also said Ms. Smith lied about having an affair with him, hinted she did it for financial gain. Yeah, right, you know how much lawyers cost???
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001
Oh, and he said Mrs. Levy never asked him if he had an affair with Chandra so he never told her no, he didn't.
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001
Interview transcript link is screwed up! Sorry! Hey, it was late last night! See Sheeps' post below.
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001
Yes, I did catch that....Connie never said a thing about being upset or mad...he just kinda "volunteered" that!!! right, as I said rehearsed to the nth!!!!!
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001
I think it was more of a slip, SAR. You know, Shakespeare's "protesting too much" point. Seems to me that by answering a question that wasn't asked, by denying there was a cross word when nobody mentioned any cross word, he was actually admitting there was an argument that day.That's a bit convoluted but I think you know what I mean.
-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001
Are you trying to link us to your desktop or something? The link doesn't work, and looks weird, too.not the usual 404 not found, type.
-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001
For a transcript go hereWe haven't gotten our dish up yet, so I didn't get to see it.
-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001
I missed it, too. I kept hearing the ads for the interview, and then to find out it was on a different channel than the one I could hear at work was a real bummer.Thanks for the link to the transcript. After reading it, I still feel that he has been stonewalling, as was suggested. I also feel that his attempts to 'keep some privacy' are going to hurt him in the future.
He has insinuated that Mrs Levy couldn't keep track of a conversation she had with him, when it is painfully obvious that he was the one that couldn't keep track. Pity no one taped it. And then to say the aunt had a similar problem, well, that to me says he doesn't have a high opinion of the family's abilities to handle communications.
Too bad law enforcement can't just pick that idiot up and strap him in a chair in a dark room with one hanging bulb and torture him until they get the whole truth out of him. And maybe a little more torture afterward to make up for the delays...LOL
That bit about the watch box. Too bad Chung couldn't pursue that line a bit more. I think he was hiding something there that could be very important.
He is very evasive throughout the whole interview, and seemed to have only one pre-programmed answer. The bit about honoring the Levy's wish for privacy.
I heard the interview with Mrs. Levy. I don't recall her saying anything to indicate that she wanted any privacy concerning the relationship Chandra had with Condit. In fact, I seem to recall her saying that she wanted him to tell her about it.
-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001