Trucks of Knowledge : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

You know MATH+1 beat out the Tea Forum, right? Riiiiight.

So I was reading the Tea Forum (which has Tea Poetry. Really.) and came across these two sentences:

There's a big world out here. But be careful not to get run over by the trucks of knowledge.


What's in your Truck of Knowledge? What will you run me over with?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001


I'm not an expert on anything. I don't memorize anything, which is most of the problem. And if I don't know something, I Google.

My truck is like a pink Toyota pickup with a peeing Barbie logo on the back window. Empty and vapid.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001

A peeing Barbie? That's terrible.

My truck of knowledge is not a pickup, but one of those old ones with the cover on the back. A Ford, probably, with lots of bed space, in which I store trivial little bits of grammar and my hate for bad spelling, and dole out with impunity.

But only if you're at my house drinking. See, I reel you in nice and easy with the Stoli and wine, then lash out at you for spelling embarrass with one "r."

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001

My truck runs up and down the Bund -- or the street that used to be the Bund -- and it's actually a rickshaw. Which is a roundabout way of saying that I am an almost-expert on the 1905 Mixed Court Riot, which fundamentally altered Shanghai politics and calls into question conventional views of the development of Chinese nationalism.

Sometimes I really miss academic life.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001

My truck is a canary yellow and sky blue big rig, hauling nothing.

I keep all the good stuff in the cab. No need to increase my load with piles of crap that isn't even mine. But I could bear tons, if I needed to. At least, I hope so, because my university years are coming fast upon me. I hope I haven't let my trailer get too rusty in the meantime.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001

My truck is a paddy wagon.


-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Poor Pineapple! :( Darlin, your entry broke my HEART. But at least like Omar said, it was a nurturing "I got all my sisters and me" scene at the cellblock.

And AB, I love your beautiful new layout! If I had a job to give, I'd hire you.

My truck would be like a red Geo Tracker. Not really a truck by any stretch of the imagination, but fairly handy for hauling some crap now and then (as long as it's not too big or too heavy) and pretty quick as far as trucks go. And also, convertible!

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

Hey, thanks!

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

My truck is a 1997 s-10 pickup. Columbia Scouts' blue. Lots of get- up-and-go, but all it has in the bed is an empty, red Solo plastic cup that bounces about when there are bumps in the road and bumps against the rear of the cab if the brakes are hit too hard.

In the cab, there is a sock behind one of the seats. There is a binder from a class once taken, long forgotten. There is a half- empty pepsi bottle that's been rolling around for months.

And no, it's not my fault that my truck of knowledge looks just like my real truck. Somehow, it's just that my [empty] truck of knowledge has projected itself into the real world. Hush, you.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2001

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