We're Having a Total Fest Here!--Dennis Olsongreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Author Topic: [TIP] We shouldn't lose a thing Dennis Olson Administrator Member # 3 posted 08-22-2001 11:35 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------All threads posted here will be loaded directly into the vB system as soon as tech support solves whatever issue is causing problems. Sometime tomorrow I guess... In the meantime, welcome back to the "back lot".
I hate computers....
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken
"Today there are certain ideas which are so explosive that even to acknowledge their existence publicly, is to incur the most savage penalty from the reigning liberal establishment. Your persecutors will be the people who most preach tolerance. Yet they are the most intolerant of all." - Author unknown
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered: May 2001 | IP: Logged bigwavedave Senior Member Member # 4 posted 08-23-2001 12:05 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- whoa, where am i! --------------------
Have you killed a tyrant today?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered: May 2001 | IP: Logged Patrick Senior Member Member # 59 posted 08-23-2001 12:09 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .....Yu two look lonely in here... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered: May 2001 | IP: Logged Readalot Member Member # 106 posted 08-23-2001 12:17 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi guys It tis a bit lonely here. We need a heavy duty poster to fill in some topics we can argue about. Where's abby when ya need her?!!
~ RAL~
911 - Government Sponsored Dial-A-Prayer
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered: May 2001 | IP: Logged Dennis Olson Administrator Member # 3 posted 08-23-2001 12:27 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's true! Abby isn't relegated to TIO on this board... (heh heh) Anyway, you should see Unks. They are having a total troll-fest over TB2K. We seem to be all they can talk about over there. (Too funny)
Anyway, I am now the "baby seller" or "baby auctioneer", depending on which troll you listen to.
Seriously though, there is a messed up setting in the database. I am hoping to have the vB people correct it soon. Dunno if it'll be tonight tho. Probably not.
But all threads here can be directly imported to vB, so no info will be lost. And re-starting with a thread count of ZERO means that we should FLY for response-time.
Gonna wait a few more minutes, then off to bed. We'll get 'er fixed tomorrow fer sure.
[ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Dennis Olson ]
Abby: Who are your friends? They are backstabbers.
-- edith (edith@meatheadd.com), August 23, 2001
Abby's done playing.
-- Abby Lane (abbylane2001@hotmail.com), August 23, 2001.
Of 38 threads on the front page here, 10 (or about 23%) are on TB2K, and 2 more were posted BECAUSE of the TB2K threads already posted, for a total of 12 of 38.So I guess I was right when I said you have nothing else to discuss...
(Anyone got any babies that need selling? I'm the "baby auctioneer", right?)
-- Dennis Olson (djolson@pressenter.com), August 23, 2001.
Abby(if thats really your name). You are welcome back any time. Do you want to discuss your situation of just complain about it. We do miss your posts. You have gone completely off the deep end over this and might want to reevaluate your position. All of the above is valid only if this is really abby and not some idiot stirring up a stink. On the other hand, if you choose to maintain this unreasonable position then good riddance, and good luck in your new life.
-- Just passin through (Nobody@nowhere.com), August 23, 2001.
Whew! Dennis....I really have to get some new glasses! I thought these numbers of 23 were the average IQ of this forum. I knew that must be wrong, because we figured out along time ago that they exceede that by at least 45. PT
-- psychotherapist (therapist@the clinic.com), August 23, 2001.
Psycho, your village is looking for you...report back at once!
-- Dennis ('need@baby'.Olson), August 23, 2001.
Go here's to view a picture of Dennis and his wife.http://www.cyclerides.com/photos/ridephotos/kickstart/image13.htm
-- (amused@museme.com), August 23, 2001.
Olson would sell his soul to look that good. Here’s a picture of the real hog himself, with the misses and the central characters in the ‘Y2K Baby Give-A-Way. Jennie Craig----RED ALERT----http://www.jsonline.com/images/news/jan00/survive010200.jpg
-- Dennis ('need@baby'.Olson), August 23, 2001.
HOLY SHIT! Was I ever given a bum steer! Dennis' profile on TB2K says:Hobbies. Motorcycle touring, firearms and target shooting
What kind of motorcycle would a man that size tour on? Pleeeze enlighten me.
-- (amused@museme.com), August 24, 2001.
Dennis,I don't know why you post at Unks at all. You should know by now that you'll never clear anything up over there. They just use whatever you say to make an even bigger stink. IMHO, you should take your own advice and stay away from that place altogether as if it didn't exist. Freedom of speech is fine, but the total anonymity makes it worthless as a forum.
-- Ron
Centerfire ‘‘The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.’’ -- Thomas Jefferson
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Registered: May 2001 | IP: Logged Dennis Olson Administrator Member # 3 posted 08-23-2001 11:33 PM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- You are so right Ron. You know what's the most ironic twist of this latest tete-a-tete? I originally went over there to DEFEND ABBY! Now THAT'S funny. They invited her to become a permenent "member" over there. I think they'd tear her to bits in fairly short order. Those people have no morals, and no compunction against destryoing people.
Truly as vile a filth-hole as Biffy's and DeBunkies ever were ---------------------
Too funny, Dennis is now playing the helpless victim! He cam ehere originally to defend Abby! But what does he do? He calls everyone a moron! What a loser you are Dennis!
http://www.timebomb2000.com/cgi-bin/tb2k/ultimatebb.cgi? ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=003380
-- (amused@museme.com), August 24, 2001.