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Don't Carry Loose Batteries If you have extra loose batteries, don't put them in your pocket or purse. They could be shorted if they come into contact with metal objects. Then the batteries will rupture or leak — a mess you don't want.

Order Of Repairs

We all have pet projects that we would like to get done, but there has to be some prioritizing when it comes to spending hard-earned dollars on the house. Painting a room, putting down a new bathroom floor, or adding some chair rail gives immediate gratification. But what about the leaves in the gutters or the exterior caulking or the other less glamorous jobs that keep the place together?

Take a long view on home repair and address potential safety concerns first. Regular furnace maintenance will insure safe operation and prolong equipment life. Keep a close eye on all things that are related to or are close to water. Water in the wrong place can be very destructive. Reward yourself with a fun project but keep track of the basics and protect yourself, your family, and the value of your home.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, August 22, 2001

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