Playinga custom burnt CD from my CD/R in VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
hi, i just downloaded some MP3 songs from the internet, converted them as WAV format files then burnt them into a CD on my CD/RW. it plays in my CD player, discman and music system BUT it doesnt play on my VCD player.all the other audio CDs i bought from the store play properly on this VCD player, but these custom burnt ones. is there any format that i need to convert before i burn them to play it on my player? its a home theater system and so i love to listen to it in surround sound! thanks.
-- chandra shekar (, August 22, 2001
Your VCD player probably doesn't support CD-RW or CD-R media and that's your real problem. If it plays in your discman, etc. you obviously made it correctly. Many home DVD or VCD players fail to play burnable media.
-- Jason (, August 22, 2001.
Yes, it is a common problem. 1> While making this Audio CD...did you ensure that there was alteast a 2 sec. gap between audio tracks ? If you have selected "No pause between audio tracks" while burning this CD then it may not play on some players. I had this problem with Kenwood music system, but solved it. 2> Try using a different CD-R media.. like if you are using a silver CD-R then switch-over to light-blue or vice-a-versa. 3> Burn only at 2x speed and then try.
-- Chetan Umarje (, August 24, 2001.