PLEASE : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
I just downloaded MAME32, on account of the fact i couldn't get the other mame emulators to even run. i dont know why, its not a problem with my hardware or anything. So now that I have MAME32 i can't figure out how to get a rom to work! I downloaded some from that or whatever, and i've read the help files many times and i dont know what im doing wrong. Do the files need to be unzipped, or can they stay zipped? Do they need to be in a special directory? I just put them in the rom directory of MAME32. It always lists that i have no games available. Please tell me what you do to get them working...i dont know what im doing wrong! Oh, and please e-mail me. Thanks ahead of time...
-- Blaise Waniewski (, August 22, 2001
Game roms unzipped in the rom directory (if necessary, create it yourself). Press "refresh" to detect the roms you have. Make sure you have the right roms for your mame version.
-- MKL (, August 22, 2001.
-- MKL (, August 22, 2001.
You have to refresh the list, just click on the f5 button then go to the available game folder, click on a game, right clicj it, properties, and the audit the game, there you go!
-- Glenn Sullivan (, August 23, 2003.