SHT - Anyone having problems with sites not responding? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Some of my best news sites are hanging up and not responding, both here and abroad.
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2001
nope. No problems here.Try disconnecting from the net and then reconnecting. Could be a buffer issue with your IP.
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2001
Nope, Sweetie is having same problems with his super-duper computer at work.
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2001
could be a local telephone line problem in your area. anything on the scanner, like an accident involving a power pole or microwave tower? I know how those NC drivers can be... LOL
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2001
You could be right, but haven't heard of anything--maybe it was in Raleigh.
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2001