greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I read with little surprise the unwinding of the TB2K forum. From the ever reliable Greenspun software, I see this forum has fallen into low single digits of daily posts. What made the older Y2K forums work was a combination of "doomers" and "pollayannas." What makes a forum interesting is the conflict, the discourse and the occasional meltdown.

A forum full of "doomers" inevitably becomes ugly. The paranoid turn on themselves and the discussion degrades into cannibalism. A forum full of "pollies" is pretty dull. Oh, there's the occasional outburst, but who needs Cherri and the duty conservative? You can watch more erudite exchanges of political philosophy on the Sunday morning talk shows.

Like it or not, each side needs the other. The everpresent "pollies" keep the "doomers" focused. There is a common enemy. Not to say the "doomers" won't have incessant intercine squabbles. At least the requisite Flint or Latimer give the "doomers" a clear and present target. The "pollies" need the resident Milne's and the rare, but valuable, sensible "doomer." Sadly, these few have wandered off in the deafening silence of a Y2K nonevent.

Oh, for the good old days.

-- Remember (the@ld.forum.com), August 20, 2001


Oh, there's the occasional outburst, but who needs Cherri and the duty conservative?

Not sure I follow this statement. What is a "duty Conservative"? Is this a typo or am I just out-of-touch (again).

Do you think it's necessary to have a single polarizing issue in order to have a forum? I don't. For me it is enough to have a diverse, ongoing group of people who agree, disagree and have fun just kibitzing? There are so many issues, ideas, events, jokes, personal victories/defeats, absurdities and human truths to share. I do agree that a forum of exclusively like-minded people tends to be dull and ultimately unsustainable.

What I don't like is the truly insulting, anonymous attacks that are too often present.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), August 20, 2001.

What I don't like is the truly insulting, anonymous attacks that are too often present.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), August 20, 2001

Ahhhh, that's what made it all so entertaining.

-- (LOL@LOL.haha), August 20, 2001.

"Ahhhh, that's what made it all so entertaining."

Shut yer bleeding cakehole, you pus-eating gobshite. We know your ilk. Shove a cracker in your ear and blow it out your bumhole, you simpering, overdressed ape. Begone with you! Jump on your horsey, blow your nose on your sleeve, and ride into the sunset backwards.

-- Break out the cookies and milk (aimless@national_raffle_association.org), August 20, 2001.

LOL, "cookies n' milk", you forgot to make it anonymous.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), August 20, 2001.

'cookies and milk', your village is looking for you.

-- All (liberals@must.die), August 20, 2001.

Damn! Last time the village came looking for me I had to drink muddy water and sleep in a hollow log for a whole month. Thanks!

-- Break out the cookies and milk (aimless@national_raffle_association.org), August 20, 2001.

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