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Do It Yourself?

Do it yourself has become the national war cry. And a good one it is! There are lots of reasons for doing home repairs: you save money, you get a sense of accomplishment, and you're doing your part to keep the home centers in business. BUT, there are times when calling someone in may be the best approach.

Before doing your own repairs, ask yourself these questions:

- "Can I do it safely?" An accident, injury, or worse as a result of doing a job yourself, is unacceptable. - "What are the consequences of repairs gone wrong?" A bad paint job you can live with; a bad electrical repair you can't. - "Do I have the time?" Homeowners underestimate the duration of projects (sometimes by years) so don't start something that you can't finish or can't live with unfinished. Don't be discouraged, but consider the realities of the project before starting so that you can reap the benefits of doing it yourself.

Oh yeah...and don't start plumbing projects before all the kids have had their baths.

- Stephen Corwin

Lipstick on Your Collar? If the fabric is washable, pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a dampened cloth. Place the stain-side down on white paper towels and dab the area. Repeat until lipstick is gone and wash as usual

-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001


If You Have a Cedar Chest A cedar chest can be dangerous to small children. A curious child will want to see what's inside and might become trapped if the heavy lid comes down. Keep it locked so kids can't get in.

Cause For Quality

There are plenty of reasons for doing quality work--and none that I can think of for not. As homebuyers get savvier, less gets by them when it comes to substandard work. Many homes are professionally inspected as part of the sales transaction so it's just a matter of time before many homeowner fixes get a hard look from a pro. Take time to do things right, and take care to see that others do things right. Quality work costs less on the front end than it does when the pressure is on.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2001

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