"Thanks Unk"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Uncle Deedah in person. Oh, I’ve been in the company of those who have, read his words for sometime under his many handles, and gone ‘real-time’ with him in chat. I know his sense of humor is quite aligned with mine. Couldn’t pick him out of a crowd though.

What I really appreciate about this rogue from Florida (by way of Philly) is his hands-off policy regarding this forum. There are few sites where one can see it all hang out with no interference to speak of. This is a refreshing alternative to the ego-controlled forums that we have all seen in the recent past that have self-destructed or are about to.

I offer the current foolishness at Dennis Olson’s TB2K as a prime example. Just back from a great weekend of fishing to see that once again an over-inflated ego is manipulating the basic tenets of free speech.

I’ve never met Dennis Olson, nor do I care to. I’ve seen his act for a few years and he appears to be a tad unbalanced IMHO. Now we have this person lording over a wonderful collection of folks, not too unlike the broad spectrum of opinions brought forth here at the WWW. Not the kind of quality leadership WE are fortunate to have.

So I say to you Unk, thanks for giving us this place to roost.

And Dennis, if you have one, don’t give up your day job just yet.

-- So (cr@t.es), August 20, 2001



-- (DELETE@DELETE.DELETE), August 20, 2001.

I think MOST of us are a "tad" unbalanced. I don't consider it a source of shame, either. I still love my mother, and my guess is that she's MORE than a "tad" unbalanced. Of course it took her many years to obtain that imbalance, and [so far] I'm just a "plebe in training."

I agree with you on Unk, though. Um...wait a minute...since I agreed with you on the "tad" unbalanced thing, I think I agree with you on this whole post. [That's GOT to be a first!]

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), August 20, 2001.

Ditto what Socrates said.

Unk, you da man.

-- (678@910.1112), August 20, 2001.

"I think MOST of us are a "tad" unbalanced."

Say what? Is that why the floor keeps jumping up to meet me?

-- Break out the cookies and milk (aimless@national_raffle_association.org), August 20, 2001.


It is obvious that you do not have all the facts of the current situation over there. In my experience, which spans a little over 2 years on all board incarnations, including Biffy, I have found Dennis to be emminently fair and has never deleted any post unless so requested by the poster themselves. Dennis invested a lot of his own time and sweat in setting up the current TB2K board. What exactly have you done lately other than sit over here behind a fake address and hurl insults?

Dan V.

-- Jimmy Splinters (jsplinters@earthlink.net), August 20, 2001.

Ummm, you're welcome.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), August 20, 2001.


Methinks you may be taking this forum stuff a little too seriously. Because you have asked I will tell you that I personally look upon these sites as a form of entertainment, not a real life drama as so many seem to do. Although I’ve had the great pleasure to actually meet some of the folks here at Unk’s, for the most part I find myself dealing with words put on the screen and respond in kind. This place has no profound effect on my life nor should it. I spend over half of each waking hour on my profession, which provides me with large amounts of gratification and a modest income. The other half of that time I spend on quality relationships and many ‘hobbies’ that keep me very busy. Lot of travel mixed-in as well.

So Dan/Jimmy, I hope that answers your question regarding what I ‘have done lately’, other than hurl insults. You might give this ‘real world’ gig a shot sometime and not worry so much about the small stuff.

-- So (cr@t.es), August 21, 2001.

You can tell that the repugs are in "control" (bwaahaaa bwaaahaaaa) at Timebomb. Lord help you if you stray outside of their pc control freak limits. Fuckin repugs suck!

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck the@repugs.com), August 21, 2001.

Yes we do do Tony bigboy. Call me.

-- (lorelei@jiffy.lube), August 21, 2001.

Let me clarify that...repugs suck repug dick. You repugs would line up to suck dumbya's dick but its not available as it is currently stuck up everyone's ass!! Is that lazy fucker doing anything at all? He talks like my ex wife...no brain cells left. That boy is a wimp just like his dad. Fucking repug losers - the whole lot of them!

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck the@repugs.com), August 21, 2001.

hmmm... Tony I sense some hostility.

-- therapists 'r' us (thatllbeahunredbucks@-visa-.com), August 21, 2001.

He talks like my ex wife

And none of us can imagine why in the world she would leave you.

-- (arrogant@sshole.Tony), August 22, 2001.

I'll tell you. That bitch started fuckin hangin with repugs! I showed her - she can have that nasty ass repug shit. Me, I like a liberal woman with brains. (not like those lizard women like dumbya's wife) bwaaahaaaa bwaaaahaaaaa you repugs suck repug dick!!!

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck the@repugs.com), August 23, 2001.

As part of our recent divorce settlement I had promised not to divulge any of the ugly facts about Tony and the reasons for our parting. But Tony has not kept his part of the bargain so all bets are off as far as I’m concerned. As most of you know, Tony is a man in name only and is truly a despicable little creature.

After TWO unsuccessful attempts to provide Tony with a penile transplant, I gave up on this feckless loser and moved on to greener pastures. My lawyer had no problem showing the court how Tony had embraced the NAMBLA organization and became a poster boy for deviant behavior. Unable to provide sexual pleasure to a woman, Tony has been reduced to playing a ‘freak’ role with very young boys, who consider him as one would a carnival sideshow act. You know, ‘Looks like a man, but has no equipment’….very sad.

I will not be posting any longer to this forum and I beg of you not to allow Tony to be around young children, boys in particular.

And to any of you liberal ladies with brains, trust me when I tell you that Tony has absolutely nothing to offer you, physically, mentally, spiritually, or financially.

Been nice talking to you all.

-- The 'Ex' Mrs. Baloney (at@your.service), August 23, 2001.

Ouch. I sense some bitterness here. I hate to say this, but... Have a drink. Whisky, neat.

-- Jesus (martinez@newmexico.gov), August 24, 2001.

Ouch. I sense an idiot here. I hate to say this, but... see the man in the white coat.

-- Jesus, (you@are.thick), August 24, 2001.

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