Buffy on VCDgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Anybody know where I can find Buffy episodes on VCD? E-mail me if you know of a place... Thanks!princesspietrina@yahoo.com
-- KatyDecker (princesspietrina@yahoo.com), August 19, 2001
www.episodeheaven.com i think they still have them i download all the seasons of there (buff rulez and hot)
-- Alex (kewl_skater_alex@hotmail.com), August 23, 2001.
Hi :-) I sell the seasons 4/5/6 (complete) and 7 (episodes 1-16)... if you're interested, just drop me an email... lets_cuddle2001@yahoo.com
-- Katja (lets_cuddle2001@yahoo.com), April 07, 2003.