Nikon TC300 TC301 What is difference? : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Can anybody tell me the functional differences between a TC300 teleconverter and the TC301?


-- Mike Smeltzer (, August 18, 2001


The Tc300 is AI not AIS, so it won't work in program or shutter preffered Auto (on cameras that had those features). The real main difference is that Nikon now has no parts and does not repair the TC300 (I found out the hard way). By the way, I tried these converters with my 300mm EDIF f4.0 lens, and wasn't really bowled over by the image quality. I got better results with a Kiron 7 element converter I picked up on ebay for $50.00.

-- Andrew Schank (, August 24, 2001.

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