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Vacuum Cleaner Hair-Bound? If threads or hair become wound around a rotating brush, use a single-edge razor blade or seam ripper to cut the mess. Then, just pull it all out.

Painting Stucco

Stucco is a Portland cement-based exterior plaster that provides a long-lasting and low-maintenance finish to the outside of a building. Stucco has been the exterior finish of choice in the Southwest and can be found less commonly in all parts of the country. Stucco, when left natural, is gray in color and needs very little attention. As the years go by, though, stucco succumbs to dirt and pollutants in the environment and can get pretty drab looking. To brighten up your stucco, check with a masonry supply house for a detergent-based cleaner. Stucco can also be painted with a top-quality acrylic paint intended for masonry.

Two points to consider before painting: A paint job is not a substitute for proper cleaning, and a painted surface will need to be painted again eventually.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2001

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