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I recently downloaded a game in which my current version of mame32 (v.34) didnt support so I downladed a more current version but cant get it to run. Even though its for windows it takes me to the dos prompt screen for an instant then disappears. I know next to nothing about any of this so any suggestions would be most helpful.
-- mike (, August 17, 2001
We need to know where you downloaded the new MAME32 from, what number it was, and whether it was a test, beta, or final.
-- Q.T.Quazar (, August 17, 2001.
Maybe you have downloaded the newest mamew. The official mame is no longer dos, but windows, (since 037b15,b16 and the newest 0.53)Even if its called windows mame itīs not like mame32 with a gui.
You have to download the latest version of mame 32 (wich is 037b16)
If thatīs not the problem, please explain more.
-- QRS (, August 18, 2001.
This actually now a test build (like the beta 16 build) of MAME32 0.53. It's available at the official MAME32 page (not the offecial MAME page, don't get those confused) at
-- Barry Rodewald (, August 18, 2001.
Thats exactly what I did, got the mamew for windows and mame32 confused. Thanks for all the help, Im sure I will be back with other stupid questions.
-- mike (, August 18, 2001.