CLINTON - More book : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread | & Determined To Help Bill
By CORKY SIEMASZKO Daily News Staff Writer
Bill Clinton has more titles than a prizefighter. He got hundreds more yesterday from Daily News readers, who deluged the paper with suggested titles for his soon-to-be-published memoir.
There are some real contenders among them for the naming of the former President's $10 million tome.
Ernestine Love-Evans of the Bronx suggested the stirring "From Hope to Harlem." Dennis Frank of New Canaan, Conn., also mined the hopeful vein with "Just a Man From Hope." And Raymond Elam of Queens came up with "The Wonder Years."
"They were good years, as far as I was concerned," Elam said of the Clinton presidency. "I suppose I could have come up with something mean. But I didn't want anything sarcastic. I wanted something nice."
"Nice" would not be the word to describe more than a third of the entries, which zeroed in on Clinton's skirt-chasing and the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Many included the words "cigar," "lip service" or "oral history," and it doesn't take a village to figure out what those titles are about.
There also were entries such as "Coffee, Tea or Bill" from Fred Stolfi in Manhattan, and "From Hope to Grope: My Life and Hard Times," from Peter O'Connell of New Haven.
Adam Fried of Queens came up with the witty "Please Don't Send Me Flowers," a reference to Clinton's pre-presidential paramour Gennifer Flowers.
Because so many titles keep coming in over the transom, The News has extended the deadline for sending or e-mailing suggestions.
Instead of tomorrow, we will run the best of the list Sunday — including some of the really racy titles.
Name Bill Clinton's Book Bill Clinton needs your help. With a publishing deal that will net him more than $10 million, the ex-President's book should have a title worthy of the price.
E-mail your suggested titles to or fax them to (212) 643-7831.
We'll publish the best titles Sunday — and forward them to Clinton's office.
All submissions will become the property of the Daily News.
Original Publication Date: 8/16/01
-- Anonymous, August 16, 2001
Price: $10 milValue: $0
-- Anonymous, August 17, 2001