Sometimes I'm such a git....... : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

Today, in my frantic dash for the door, I put on my skirt with the pockets at front and back instead of at the sides. I discovered it when I reached for coffee money and couldn't locate my pockets. Gah! So, make me feel better. What did you do that was git?

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2001


Today while I was repainting the floor I painted myself into a corner and had to stand there until Master V got home and could help me get out of the room. It was only about five minutes, but I sure used the time to ruminate on my dumbassedness.

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2001

AB, does that make you a metaphor?

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2001

Hahaaaha! Yes, yes it does, T.

I paint, therefore I am (a metaphor).

-- Anonymous, August 17, 2001

Well, tonight I broke a handmade pitcher that my mother gave me when I poured steaming tea into it.

Thing is, I knew I was going to do it.

I am the definition of dumbass

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2001

Grr. That didn't work the first time on my campus computer.

Anyway, I didn't want to start a whole topic on "Hannah's Questions about living in the GhetTOOOEEEE" so I'm sticking this here.

I know the Virgin Mary candles and flowers on the corner down the street are worrisome. But what's with the shoes hanging from the power lines? Is that a gang thing? Should I not wear my red pants?

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2001

Speaking of the campus computer...

while I was browing jobs on campus at work, I had to log in to see the internal jobs. I saw one interesting one, and thought I hit the button to get more information, but evidently I bid on the job. I even got a little email from HR saying, "Thanks for bidding. Now get your updated resume and cover letter to us like we requested on the website." I wonder how long it took my boss to be notified.

-- Anonymous, August 26, 2001

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