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Just posted this at IC and tb... I am so capable of hurting someone.,,,

I swear before I leave this world I just may KILL or MAIM someone.

I am so sick of what KIDS and adults can do to an animal and not have a bit of conscience.

Of course the news reports it all, and I understand that, but I have had about all I can handle. It is so bad, I can barely listen to news any more...

there was a family that ran to the store, their 6 month old pup was tied outside on there farm....where some assholes clubbed the tied pup up, her eye was laying on her cheek, her mouth is crushed and broken in 7 places, and she has broken ribs and shoulder.

there was a story not long ago about a million aire Frikkin farm owner, that has a herd of dairy cows in @#%$ so deep they were stuck and couldn't move, many starved where they stood. the ones that could move , had to literally use the bodies of the dead cows to move.

Horse horrors...well we won't go there, and kitties, I can't go there , either, but just tonight...a dairy farmer in Canfield, has had his herd terrorized, beaten with ball bats, and light bulbs, and left the herd so scared of humans that they are not giving milk, and most are pregnant.


what joy can this give,

Can we go to jail for being a vigilante??? I am willing to chance it....I swear to Jesus Christ , He knows my heart, and I AM CAPABLE. I have to go and re-group....before I just in the car and do something I may live to regret. Sorry for typo's ... hard to see through tears.

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2001


SAR, extreme reactions of anger, upset, and thoughts of doing harm are *exactly* the emotions that the negative forces are trying to gain from you. You are playing into their game. When you allow yourself to become this upset you merely feed their needs and desires. I know it's hard to comprehend how easily a person can be manipulated into doing what they want you to do, but step back and look at this. You know this has been going on for as long as mankind has walked this earth. No need to react in a way that plays into their negative game.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001

SAR, I have to avoid those news stories. However, I would gladly contribute to your legal fund. ;^)

Gordon, a few years ago I wouldn't have believed your views about negative forces, but since then something very evil came into my life. My dark, obsessive thoughts about it have mostly subsided now, and I think no longer controlling my life, but boy there was a period. Peace of mind has always been a fervent goal, and I can see it isn't possible if I let the dark side slip in. Even so, I don't see how this applies to our reactions to animal cruelty. I would have thought it was more the impotency we feel when there appears to be no (legitimate) way to stop it.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001

It's because of the way the parents bring up these hooligans. No respect.

Yes, you CAN go to jail for being a vigilante. Course they have to prove it first.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001

>I swear before I leave this world I just may KILL or MAIM someone.

I don't have time to track down the posts, but it seems like you post feelings along these lines about every 38 days or so and then soon after have 2-3 days of illness (bad headaches, can't get out of bed). I've written before that tracking your moods/food intake might show some patterns that, if interrupted, would allow you to have better health.

We've just come out of a hot spell, and you wrote on IC somewhere that you hadn't eaten much food and were losing weight. Did you, in the last couple of days, eat foods that contained dextrose, maltose, high frutose corn syrup? These are refined sugars, and many breads contain large amounts of high frutose corn syrup. When you don't eat for awhile, and then do eat foods with high concentrations of refined sugars, it can be akin to taking speed -- extreme anger, manic behaviors, depression are some symptoms, and extreme lethargy is often the result.

A detailed food/mood journal will show this pattern fairly quickly.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001

Brooks wins the "reason" on this one..no, it wasn't food, and though it could be negative evils of the world...I think Brooks said it best...the INABILITY to be able to STOP it!

I am over the frustation from yesturday, but am I over the rage..He77 NO..I never will be, but I can control me. I will never be apathetic concerning abuse to animals, children or those less fortunate.

the only way to stay away is not lisyen to the news..and believe me , when they have a "we saved a hurt annimal" stories, I tear up, then, too, but in happiness, I do know there is more good than evil, but I'd love to end them(evil ones) in their tracks.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001


The negative forces "feed" off of extreme (negative) emotional reactions. When you feel those emotions bubbling within you then you can be sure that you are inadvertently feeding those who wish to create a negative reality. It's a tricky business to keep yourself from being manipulated like a puppet on a string, but that is exactly what you sign into when you give them the reactions they want.


The very word *rage* that you use is a prime example of having your emotions managed for you by others. I know we don't like to think we can be so easily manipulated to their purposes, but we can be, and we have been for so long that we now think we are justified to spend ourselves in such negative reactions, never suspecting we are just pawns in the negative games. Apathy is not the correct emotional reaction either, for that just means neither concern nor enlightenment.

As far as there being more good than evil, there is not, at least on this little planet of ours for many thousands of years. For me, it helps to think of this as the balance of negative and positive, not the battle between good and evil. You can't stop the negative forces, since they are *required* to be there for cosmic balance. I know that seems unfair, but it's the simple reality of a cosmos created by God in such a way that free will can take you along either a negative or positive path.

It takes a while to comprehend and accept this view but in the end you have no other choice. No good thinking/acting human has ever been able to eliminate the negative forces or the path they lead us to if we choose to follow their game. Remember, this is a soul journey you are on, not just some animal existence. If you want your soul to learn the higher lessons you must open yourself to the inherent balance going on.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001

Gordon, I think I have the following problem with your analysis (relating it back to the situation I was up against). For a long time I thought the person in question was evil. The alternative is to think that he was equally duped, or just plain weak, and allowed the evil forces to manipulate him. I guess I'm inclined to believe it must be a bit of both. Otherwise we (specifically he) are not so responsible for our actions.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001

Actually, we (he) is totally responsible for letting the dark side get to him and control him. See?

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001

Barefoot is right. Flip Wilson used to make us laugh when he said "The Devil made me do it." Many people prefer to place the blame for their choices, and the results of that, on someone else. If you look deeply into *all* choices made by us every single day you will find either the choice is for selfish reasons, or selfless reasons. That's our free will exposed. We can pretend we are victims, but we are not. We make decisions, choices, and are responsible for those choices, like it or not.

People who are mostly wrapped up in STS (service to self) behavior will make negative choices. People who are mostly inclined toward STO (service to others) behavior will make positive choices. That's just the way it works. It's really not complicated to visualize or understand. But, since we do tend to make a lot of STS choices while pretending we are interested in the better good for all, we naturally don't like to admit to our selfishness. Flip Wilson understood that.

When we look around us we can see these positive and negative forces unfolding every day. Politicians tend to be STS people, and are attracted to their positions for reasons of power and control over others. We know that. We see it in their actions when we look deeply. It is just distracting (to me) to call this good and evil. It's merely examples of positive or negative actions we see.

As far as heartless cruelty goes, we even have to be careful about that. Some say it's only a matter of perception. Cats, for instance, show us how they catch and torture their prey. Anyone with a cat that can run outside will see it catch something, like a cute little Chipmunk, and proceed to torment and torture it for an hour or more. Often they don't even want to eat it, just have "fun" with it. Is that evil? I don't think so. I think it's merely negative behavior.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2001

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