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Tweak your computer to perfection!TOP HELP TIPS 1. Install a Sound Card 2. Download Power Manager 3. Laptop Emergency Rescue 4. Close Many Apps At Once 5. IE Power Search 6. Make Quick Launch Quicker 7. Web Surfer's Speed Tip 8. Choose Best FTP Server
TOP GAMING TIPS 1. Sonic Adventure 2 (DC) Strategy Guide
FEATURE ARTICLES 1. Video Editing for Cheap 2. Get Your Band Online
TIP OF THE WEEK Windows Tip: Make Windows Obey
+--+--+--+--Top Help Tips-+--+--+--+--+--+
INSTALL A SOUND CARD Easy guide to upgrading or adding a new sound card to your system. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=375858&d=1638385
DOWNLOAD POWER MANAGER This download tells you if your drivers are getting in the way of efficient power-save mode. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=375858&d=1638386
LAPTOP EMERGENCY RESCUE We've got fixes for your laptop woes. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=375858&d=1638387
CLOSE MANY APPS AT ONCE Secret Windows menu lets you easily close many or all of your programs at once. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=375858&d=1638388
IE POWER SEARCH Use this tip in IE to search multiple engines at once. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=375858&d=1638389
MAKE QUICK LAUNCH QUICKER Learn how to use this Windows utility more efficiently. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=375858&d=1638390
WEB SURFER'S SPEED TIP Use a single keystroke to highlight everything in Internet Explorer's address bar. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=375858&d=1638391
CHOOSE BEST FTP SERVER What to look for if you want to set up an FTP server on your computer. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=375858&d=1638392
Tuesday August 14, 2001
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How? Partner with UltraDNS. http://click.emazing.com/ads/ultradns/internet.html
Some Microsoft Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys
Here is a list of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x shortcut keys that you can use to speed navigation.
- Pressing Backspace will take you to the previous document (just like clicking the back button in the IE toolbar).
- Pressing Shift + Backspace moves you forward one document (equivalent to clicking the forward button).
- F5 reloads a Web page and is the same as clicking the Refresh button in the toolbar.
- To print the current frame in IE, press Ctrl + P.
- You can press the Home key to move to the top of a document, and you can press End to move to the bottom of the current document.
- To open a new Explorer window, press Ctrl + N.
- Sue Whitehouse
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2001