which firewire card support real time mpg1 capturing for Video CD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Dear all,

We are using Sony DCRPC3E digital camcorder. It has ilink output. I want to buy a firewire card to record video digitaly but to mpg1 format on the fly. Please advise. which firewire card supports realtime mpg1 compression? We are presently using Snazzi Card to record video with composite and S-video inputs.

Regards LK

-- Lakshmikanth (satva@vsnl.com), August 14, 2001


If you get yourself an ATI all-in-wonder or an ATI Raedon video card then it will capture MPEG1 & 2 on the fly. You better have a fast CPU and HDD in order to avoid audio sync problems though.

-- Mw (mw_lui@rocketmail.com), August 21, 2001.

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