How can I play VCD 2.0 on my laptop ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi,I recently bought some movies on VCD 2.0 format. They play on my DVD player without any problems. But I can't play them on my laptop like some older VCD's. Is there a simple solution ? I have already downloaded the latest version of Windows Media Player and tried QuickTime 4.0.
-- Andrew Barry (, August 13, 2001
Look for the foll directory -> MPEGAV and there look for AVSEQnn.DAT file. Play this with WMP and it worksCheers
-- Vasant (, August 19, 2001.
Dat file works with WMP only when the VCD is 1.0 and not 2.0The only software that recognizes VCD 2.0 is WINDVD
-- (, November 21, 2003.
Any DVD player (software) could handle VCD2.0. such as powerDVD...etc :>
-- Raymond (, January 02, 2004.