Do they teach this logic in Law School? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
I just got back from my vacation & I thought I'd share this article. It just goes to show how lawyers can justify anything...
Man pleads innocent to child endangerment
By Mike Gordon Advertiser Staff Writer
A deputy state sheriff pleaded innocent in District Court yesterday to child endangerment charges that allege he punished his two young daughters by forcing each to use her mouth to pick up dog feces.
Charles Canady, a 37-year-old Kalihi resident, allegedly forced his daughters to put the feces in the toilet as punishment for not cleaning up after the family puppy.
But the Honolulu prosecutors' office dismissed similar charges against Canady's live-in girlfriend, Theresa Danielson, who is a nurse at the Queen's Medical Center. She had been accused of using a cat's toothbrush on one of the girls, gagging her at one point with cat toothpaste.
Canady's daughters, ages 10 and 12, are in the custody of Child Protective Services, but Danielson's 8-year-old daughter remains with the couple. Canady's jury trial will begin the week of Sept. 4. He said nothing in court and his attorney, Guy Matsunaga, would not comment on the case.
Danielson's attorney, Paul J. Cunney, said the punishment was not a big deal.
"You've heard of spare the rod and spoil the child?" he told reporters outside the courtroom. "Some of these kinds of cases might appear disgusting but there's no damage. ... The toilet was right there, they just had to spit it out."
Cunney said the two girls had posed a serious discipline problem because they repeatedly played with matches.
-- The Toner (, August 13, 2001
Ok, I vote for spoiling my kids...gack...
-- helen (, August 13, 2001.
check out this link,and you'll understand. ''jurisdictionary''
-- al-d. (, August 15, 2001.
Nah -- Lawyers can't justify anything (except maybe Johnny Cochran in the O.J. trial). If we could, we'd charge a lot more money than we do.Lawyers can only ATTEMPT to justify everything. But, unfortunately, much like those excuses we all used to try on our parents, it seldom works out the way we would like it to.
Personally, this seems unfair to me. In the past, I've found an extraordinary corrolation between the amount of money my client is paying me and the truth of their position from an objective standpoint.
-- E.H.Porter (, August 16, 2001.
"I've found an extraordinary corrolation between the amount of money my client is paying me and the truth of their position from an objective standpoint. "Gosh, Porter, I was about to ask you for some pro bono work...
-- helen (innocent@until.caught), August 17, 2001.