I'm Baaaaack!!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Did you all miss me??? I sure missed you all...I will be back in a little while, I have to re set cookies and get "established" again!!!! (((It's great to be back!))))

-- Anonymous, August 12, 2001


Sorry, didn't catch that--what was your name again?


-- Anonymous, August 12, 2001

so cruel!!! just for that, I'm leaving again!!!

No, I was supposed to go to dad's over the week-end, and couldn't get there, so am going tomorrow... I will be back late in the day or evening..

I lost my little 'tipbits" to post, so will post tomorrow, Heading for bed now...Aaaah....it so nice to know I 'm amoung friends.

BY THE WAY>>>> this machine is screaming!!!! it go so fast, I make more mistakes cause I can't read (Or think) as far as this thing flies, now!

I can't tell you what he put in here, will have him write it down for me, then post. I know it was more mem....more gig, more sound and video...

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2001

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