GDNG - Lawns and grubs, powdery mildew, geraniums, Rose of Sharon, solanum, ivy : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


Thorny problems: lawn-lovers lament (Filed: 03/08/2001)

Helen Yemm on powdery mildew and propogating geraniums

Grub trouble

FAR too many readers to name individually have written in about the damage to lawns caused by relentlessly munching chafer grubs. Some have had their lawns ripped to bits by rooks and magpies foraging for the pupating grubs in the spring; for others, alarm bells rang when they saw the ugly brown chafers blundering round their garden lights in May.

And the hawk-eyed lawn lovers among you are already seeing the tell-tale signs of damage to your grass from the next generation of grubs: beige, dying, rootless patches where the horrid, fat, white grubs have been at work. The resulting bald patches are invariably invaded by creeping buttercup and clover.

There is no longer a chemical treatment for these nasties and, because chafers tend to return to successful breeding grounds, the problem gets worse year by year. Biological control is the only answer.

Grub-destroying parasitic nematodes can be watered into a damp lawn between now and the autumn, as long as the soil temperature remains above 54F (12C). The nematodes are harmless to wildlife, pets and children, so no one needs to be kept off the lawn even immediately after application. Contact Annie at Green Gardener (01603 716986) for more information.

Stress counselling

The mildew months of late summer are upon us. Nigel Spry, of Preston, Lancs, has terrible powdery mildew on his laurels. It disfigures the leaves and seems to resist all attempts at spraying. He should, I am told by Chris Prior at the RHS, try spraying with Bio Systhane - and read on a little further.

Advice about spraying is not much help to Ms J. Pearce, of Chichester, West Sussex, who describes her gardening style as "weedily organic". Her neighbour is convinced that the powdery mildew that afflicts the ancient everlasting pea by her front door will spread to his roses, and he wants her to cut it down.

The science behind gardening is never simple. Many, but not all, powdery mildews are specific to particular plants or groups of plants, and will therefore not spread indiscriminately. Apparently the mildew that is stunting Mr Spry's laurels is one that could also affect roses, but Ms Pearce is lucky - the one that is coating her everlasting pea with the greyish dust could not.

It is worth remembering that powdery mildew is always a much greater problem on plants that are under stress because they have hot, dry roots. This may seem laughable after last winter, but plants under the eaves of houses (the pea) and closely planted hedges (the laurel) are prime targets for mildew as soon as summer kicks in.

In future years, both gardeners should make sure their troublesome plants are kept well watered in the drier months.

Geranium propagation

My father has a beautiful herbaceous geranium - 'Ann Folkard' - and will give me some if I can find out how to propagate it. Unfortunately, it does not seem to seed itself around. Fiona Folan

Geranium 'Ann Folkard' is one of the most beautiful geraniums - it has vivid, black-eyed magenta flowers, and new leaves are tinged lime green. It looks wonderful threading through blue-flowered neighbours in a border. And you are right, it does not set seed, as does for example, the deadly-dull pink nuisance 'Claridge Druce'. Nor does it have a great spreading root system that is easy to divide, like many other geranium relations.

The answer to the propagation question is to ask your father to cut down and dig up his precious plant in late summer - September perhaps, while the soil is still warm - and halve the root with a sharp knife. You can both plant out your sections into your borders and watch for new growth, which should start to show before the cold weather arrives.

If you have difficult clay soil, you could start them off in pots of loam-based compost in a cold frame for the winter, then plant them out in their permanent homes in the spring. Best of luck.

Rose of Sharon runs amok

I look after an elderly lady's garden. The patio and the area under the greenhouse are infested with Rose of Sharon, and I cannot possibly dig it out. I have tried Weedol, but it only stunts the top growth. Can you advise? Mr A C Harrison, Newcastle, Staffs

Rose of Sharon (Hypericum calycinum) is an invasive beast, useful for covering dry, shady banks, but tatty if not cut to the quick with shears in March. Here it seems to have become a major weed, and should be treated as such.

As long as you can protect any precious plants from direct contact, a glyphosate weedkiller such as Tumbleweed is probably your best bet. It will work its way down to the extensive root system without travelling in the soil. You may need to repeat the treatment next spring.

If the patio invasion is really isolated from other plants, you could even use SBK Brushwood Killer. Cut the stems first, and use a paintbrush on them between the cracks in the paving. Weedol deals only with the top leafy growth of weeds, and is more suitable for little annuals.

Green power

Paul Huddart, of Whipton in Devon, is worried that the variegated solanum he bought at a WI sale will turn out to be the unstoppable Solanum dulcamara, and he wonders if he should throw it out before it goes berserk. It may turn out to be pretty.

Variegated versions of common plants almost invariably turn out to be less vigorous than their green cousins - less chlorophyll equals less growing strength, to put it in my usual unscientific nutshell. I say almost invariably because of the dreaded variegated ground elder, which should be grown only in the deepest shade and poorest soil, and should never be introduced into a posh border.

Ivy agony

Ivy growing up into the canopy of a lovely old oak tree belonging to Tom and Beryl Chapell, of Leigh on Sea, Essex, is causing much anxiety.

Whereas it used to be common practice to rip ivy from trees because it was assumed to be a killer, it is now more often left alone or cut back occasionally, unless it gets too invasive. Ivy is not a parasite. Its aerial roots are mere clingers rather than nourishers, so, while it scrambles up tree trunks, it does little harm. Eventually, however, ivy may get into the canopy of a tree and change in character, becoming arborescent (bushy). Once this happens, it can do quite a lot of harm by smothering more delicate deciduous foliage and young shoots. But it tends to do this on aged trees that are already unhappy for some other reason.

In this case, perhaps the ivy should be controlled - but the tree may be suffering in some other way.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

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