HMM - Felty? Hairy? Three-headed? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


Felty? Hairy? Three-headed? Fred Whitsey on a lavish variety of lavender

FOR centuries, lavender has been an emblem of the English garden in high summer. Perfumed and softly coloured, it had no need of embellishment. Now, however, new varieties are being propagated in vast numbers - or newly unearthed - for the garden-centre trade.

Kew Red: opened new vistas in lavender growing

A new language of lavender terms - such as those used by auricula and primula collectors - is developing. Already we have "fringed", "round-headed", "felty", "hairy", "three-headed" and even lavender with "ears". Who knows what will come next? The scents are described as "citrus", "rosemary", "sweet", "refreshing", "camphoraceous". And we talk learnedly of their origins in Australia, New Zealand, the Canaries and North Africa, as well as the Mediterranean.

This new appreciation of lavender stems from the discovery that French lavender, Lavandula stoechas, is not as vulnerable as once thought. This species originally came from a group of islands in the Mediterranean, and makes good breeding stock when married with everyday lavender.

The most celebrated newcomer is 'Helmsdale', which has proved hardy over some years now. Its flowers are a glowing purple and its foliage adds a spicy touch to the summer air.

This season, it is joined by an even more remarkable variety, 'Regal Splendour'. This has distinct reddish-purple colouring with very large "ears". These are the cluster of bracts springing from the top of the flower spike, a feature first brought to the notice of home gardeners when L. pedunculata or 'Papillon', the Spanish equivalent of the French lavender, appeared.

Augustifolia: an aversion to clay

'Regal Splendour' compensates for our bitter disappointment in 'Kew Red'. We almost swooned when it came out a couple of seasons back. With flowers of deep cerise-red, it seemed to open new vistas in lavender-growing. It had been discovered, I am told, near the holiday areas of south-eastern Spain. But it would not last the winter out of doors. I could not even keep it going beyond February in a conservatory.

Perversely and puzzlingly, the green lavender, Lavandula viridis, which has origins in south-western Spain and Portugal, has proved amenably hardy over the seasons in a sunny wall border. These square flower heads are the green of the flash in a greenfinch's wings, and the whole plant smells as lemony as the Chilean lemon verbena.

'Fathead' is another newcomer with two-tone colouring. Its purple heads are rounded, and the prominent ears paler and pinkish. It is an intriguing flower that always surprises.

Another new two-tone variety is the awfully named 'Tickled Pink'. This has pale and very prominent ears. Collectors also treasure it.

As they will, doubtless, treasure 'Silver Edge', a neat variety with traditional flower form, whose leaves are rimmed with silver. You are most likely to notice this when it is grown as an outdoor pot plant.

Lavendula stoechas: not as vulnerable as once thought

This is a role to which all lavenders adapt readily and containers make it possible for gardeners on clay soil to grow the plant. Lavenders have an aversion to clay and they succumb to shab disease and quickly die.

Container growing is the only way I have been able to keep Lavandula dentata going. Once a rarity and held to be frost-tender, it is now frequently seen in garden centres in flower in summer.

It grows from Spain to Yemen, and some say it is the most heavily scented of all. The leaves are encrusted with silver and are prettily fringed. Our plants stand outside for the summer and go into an unheated greenhouse for the winter.

I have tried it in a conservatory and found that the plants flowered there for more than half the year. You could come to regard it as the prince of all lavenders, particularly if you had the patience to train the plants as little standards.

Growing tips

For success with lavender, make sure to give the plants an open sunny position and the lightest soil possible, even if it is on ground impoverished by the roots of shrubs or roses.

Always snip back the flower shoots of lavender as soon as flowering is over or the stems have been picked for drying. To keep the bushes trim and well-furnished with aromatic leaves, prune them in spring but do not cut into bony old wood unless it is showing signs of producing new shoots.

To preserve lavender, cut the stems when the flowers are first showing colour and hang them in small bunches in a dry shed.

Always be ready for a hard winter to kill elderly lavender bushes, and root a few cuttings for replacements each year. A proportion of unflowered shoots of the current season's wood pushed into the driest ground at the foot of a hedge will root successfully, but it is of course better to root them in the classic way in small pots of sandy compost on a greenhouse bench.

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2001

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