New 'Matrix' Eyes 2003 : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Friday August 10 4:11 AM ET

New 'Matrix' Eyes 2003

By Carl DiOrio

HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Warner Bros. will bow ``Matrix Reloaded'' in a simultaneous domestic and foreign wide release pegged for May 2003, sources said.

Industry observers had expected a fourth-quarter 2002 roll-out of the sequel to 1999's Keanu Reeves blockbuster ``The Matrix.'' But Warner Bros. distribution president Dan Fellman said, ``We never have had it scheduled.''

Warner Bros. won't officially confirm the tentative 2003 plans, with Fellman noting that shooting has yet to start although early effects work is going well. ``We are right on schedule with the film,'' he said.

A third ``Matrix'' picture is also in pre-production.

-- (, August 10, 2001


Oh cool, another soundtrack. I hope it's as good as the first one.

-- (cin@cin.cin), August 13, 2001.

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