Poem Of the Day

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


"Father, must I work to eat?"

"Oh, no, my lucky son,

We're living now on easy street

With dough from Washington.

We've left it up to Uncle Sam!

Now don't get exercised

Nobody has to give a damn,

We've all been subsidized!"

"But if Sam treats us all so well,

And feeds us milk and honey,

Please tell me, Daddy, where oh where

He's going to get the money?"

"Don't worry, son, there ain't no hitch

In this here noble plan;

He simply soaks the filthy rich

And helps the common man!"

"But Daddy, won't there come a time

If we take all their cash,

When they'll be left without a dime

And Things will go to smash?"

"My faith in you is shrinking, son,

You nosey little brat;

You do too damn much thinking, boy,

To be a Democrat!"

-- All (liberals@must.die), August 10, 2001


hey pretty good

did you write that?

-- (cin@cin.cin), August 10, 2001.

No, but I thought it!

-- All (liberals@must.die), August 10, 2001.

I wish everone would get this, its so true.The motivation to be properious and wealthy will die, when you work to give it all away to the lazy.

-- Steve (mrsoweecat@aol.com), August 11, 2001.

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