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Toyota, Jackson Announce Deal to Prevent Boycott (AP)Thursday, August 09, 2001
Toyota's American sales arm has reached a deal with the Rev. Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH organization under which it will spend hundreds of millions of dollars per year to hire more minorities and do more business with minority-owned enterprises.
Details of the agreement were announced by James E. Press, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Toyota Motor Sales USA, based in Torrance, Calif., and by Jackson at Rainbow/PUSH's annual meeting in Chicago. Jackson had threatened to launch a nationwide boycott of Toyota, but later backed off.
Toyota will spend nearly $8 billion over the next decade to hire and train minority employees, buy from minority-owned suppliers and use minority-owned advertisers. Mike Michels, a Toyota spokesman, said that the figure represented 30 to 35 percent more than what the company is currently spending.
About $650 million will be spent in the next year to do more business with minority-owned companies and expand the use of minority-owned banks, Press said. Press also said that Toyota has "set a goal of adding four to six new minority dealers each and every year."
Press also said the company will hire a black advertising agency next month and spend more than $150 million over the next three years on black and Hispanic promotional programs. In all, the company said it will increase spending on minority advertising agencies by 37 percent. Toyota also said it will build a training center on the East Coast like the Los Angeles Urban League Automotive Training Center.
Jackson had threatened the boycott in May after seeing an ad printed on free postcards that showed a close-up of a dark-skinned man's mouth with an image of a gold Toyota RAV4 on one tooth. The next month he postponed his call for a boycott after Toyota said it was in discussions with a black advertising firm and retained a new consultant to make the automaker more diverse.
The Associated Press contributed to this report
I’ve seen hundreds of dark skinned men sporting gold teeth…..very popular in the black culture. Why would it be ‘racist’ to show this in a stylized photo ad that was obviously attempting to appeal to that very same culture? Once again, Jesse Jackson has shown why he is the undisputed King of corporate extortion/terrorism. Toyota, shame on you for not standing up to this blackmail scheme.
-- So (cr@t.es), August 10, 2001
Blackmail? How insensitive of you.
-- Lars (Paracelsus@yahoo.com), August 10, 2001.
I think he meant to say black male scheme, Lars.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), August 10, 2001.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), August 10, 2001.
O/T - That reminds me...I saw a disturbing commercial for nissan which shows a pathfinder in a bull-fighting ring with live shots from a bullfight. Surprising, and ...Don't they know that bull-fighting is cruel and barbaric? hmmm I think I shall pass on the nissan make from now on.
-- (cin@cin.cin), August 10, 2001.
Lars & Anita…At the time that I posted, the ‘Double Entendre’ you have highlighted was not a conscious effort. However, on reflection I have to appreciate the humor,,,,,,I guess. I find it somewhat curious that nobody seems to consider this story worthy of comment. Oh well, it is after all summertime and this issue is hardly as glamorous as cross- border spanking, a subject apparently exempt from the watchful eyes of the PC police.
-- So (cr@t.es), August 11, 2001.
I’ve seen hundreds of dark skinned men sporting gold teeth…..very popular in the black culture. Why would it be ‘racist’ to show this in a stylized photo ad that was obviously attempting to appeal to that very same culture?Very popular in WHAT black culture, Barry? I'd admit that it MAY still be popular in the ghetto. Heck, it may even have once been seen as a declaration of wealth..."Look at me! I have enough money to get my tooth capped in gold!" How many Toyotas are sold in the ghetto? [I ask sincerely, as I haven't been to a ghetto in 6 or 7 years.] You seem to spend more time there than I, so let me ask if some black men are still sporting shower caps in the hot, humid days of summer.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), August 11, 2001.
Socrates, what is "cross border spanking"?
-- helen continues to learn new terms (words@say.everything), August 11, 2001.
That is when the lovely senorita sticks her ass over the border and a lucky gringo spanks it.
-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), August 11, 2001.
Why the ‘ghetto’ reference Anita? I said ‘black culture’ and you want to go to the ghetto. I like you girl but sometimes I ask myself if you can really be so ‘green’ as you appear on certain subjects. Do you have any idea why black men wear shower caps? Give me a break.These days, gold teeth are an integral part of the hip-hop culture and can be seen with jewels and designs for personalization. Growing up in Detroit, I saw enough gold teeth to balance the national debt. BTW, when I say ‘black culture’ I am not confining that to the African American community. Nor am I demeaning this fashion statement. I simply asked why it would be ‘racist’ to make reference to this very popular activity? BTW, what is your definition of ‘ghetto’? My office is on the border of Compton, CA (100K population)….40% black, 57% Hispanic. Would Compton meet your requirements for a ghetto? You will need to get out more if you plan to comment on the past and current fads within the black culture. Or, simply do a Google search on ‘Gold Teeth in the Black Culture’. Amazing what you can see when you open your mind and your eyes.
Now, would you care to comment on the real issue at hand…..JJ and Toyota?
Helen dear, I hope this link answers your question.
You paint a pretty picture Unk!
-- So (cr@t.es), August 11, 2001.
Soc, I haven't seen the shower-cap deal in 20 years. Is it still in vogue? Was there originally a practical reason for the shower-cap deal or was/is it just another goofy fashion statement?BTW, I predict that within 5 years, tight basketball shorts will be "in" again.
-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), August 12, 2001.
I believe that the shower cap was used to keep some sort of hair product from evaporating. Afro Sheen possibly?
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), August 12, 2001.
Ooooh, ooooh Lars I sure hope you're right about the tight basketball shorts!
-- (Lorelei@jiffy.lube), August 12, 2001.
Hey Lars my Hoosier Friend,Actually, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a black dude wearing a rubber shower cap. ‘J’ is correct about the reason they were worn and I remember that the most popular ‘processing’ promenade was known as Dixie Peach. Like everything else, new products, procedures, equipment, and attitudes have changed the way black folks treat hair.
BTW, what’s up with the ‘Paracelsus’ in your e-mail addy above?
-- So (cr@t.es), August 12, 2001.
Hi, Barry. I'm glad to see that you didn't mean black culture as reference to black folks [although you HAD said that you'd seen the gold teeth sported by dark-skinned folks.]I mentioned the ghetto because hip-hop and gangsta rap came OUT of the ghetto [the BLACK ghetto, to be specific.] The hip- hop "craze" took off as a music form many years ago, with the fashion of the musicians [including gold teeth] being taken up by the fans. 70% of hip-hop music is now purchased by white youths, and one can even purchase gold caps for only $14.95 each [with 4 available for $49.99.] Such a deal!
Before I forget, the shower caps were sported by black men to activate the jheri curl. That was the oily, curly hairstyle, the popularity of which many attribute to Michael Jackson. That hairstyle went out in the 80's [although there ARE those who hang on to it, much like some women hang on to beehives.] Wearing that shower cap in public was similar to women wearing hair curlers in public. Ah, the price some pay for [questionable] beauty.
On to Toyota. Toyota is having a hard time encouraging young people to buy their cars. I suppose they thought that a hip-hop image would help sales. Why is the Rainbow Push Coalition upset about this? Well, because they think it stereotypes black Americans. They have a right to boycott Toyota if they don't approve of their advertising methods, just like you and I have a right to boycott anyone selling products using advertising that displeases US. I ran across some folks discussing MTV in a similar way.
Just for kicks, I'll include this link simply because this self-proclaimed honkey chick is pretty funny.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), August 12, 2001.
Yes I think the shower-cap thing went out with boom-boxes on the shoulder. Maybe gold teeth are really antennae that enable the wearer to directly receive FM rap radio? Cool!The Lars/Paracelsus addy was my tribute to the alchemist-dude who says he is moving to the South of France in order to have greater access to the fine wines that are needed in his research. I wish him well.
-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), August 12, 2001.
"The Lars/Paracelsus addy was my tribute to the alchemist dude..."
So are you saying that you and the poster Paracelsus are one and the same?
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), August 12, 2001.
Socrates, thank you.Unk, thank you, I think.
Lorelei, don't forget the fishnet tank tops...
-- helen (cross@border.what), August 12, 2001.
“Well, because they think it stereotypes black Americans.”If black Americans enjoy wearing gold teeth, how can it be considered ‘racist’ to show that? Jackson’s personal ethics and moral standards aside, he is nothing more than a racial terrorist and corporate extortionist. He has evolved into the biggest enemy of his own people while amassing a personal fortune at their expense. BTW, isn’t that bull in the Nissan ads black? News at 11.
-- So (cr@t.es), August 12, 2001.
If black Americans enjoy wearing gold teeth, how can it be considered ‘racist’ to show that?My guess is because the "majority" of black Americans DON'T enjoy wearing gold teeth. They see it as silly and don't want to have folks identify them with the stereotype.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), August 12, 2001.
Thinking about hairstyles popular in days' past, and thinking about rap in particular, I was reminded of a time when I worked at the Amoco Oil Refinery in Whiting, Indiana. I can't remember the years exactly, but it was in the early 90's. There was a black guy at work who was leaving for another job. His name was Michael. He had HUGE feet [totally out of proportion for his height], and I'd mentioned this on several occasions to my kids.As was the custom at the refinery when someone in the department left, there was a "roast." I was seen as the Don Nichols/Richols? persona for these "roasts", and was asked to supply a "speech" for Michael. At first I said that I didn't have time to prepare anything, but that evening, the kids and I sat down and thought about Michael. That was the first time they learned that Michael was black. They said, "Mom...if he's black, you've gotta 'rap' him."
Rap's HARD for an old white woman. Not only does one need to come up with a rhyming lyric, but a lyric that can be set to a rhythm [and don't even comment on whether rhyming or rhythm are spelled correctly at this point.] Michael and I had won the "ugly tie" competition recently held at work. I have my "FASD 'Dress for Success" Award [which includes a picture of me in the tie I wore and that awful plaid suit coat they temporarily passed on to me] framed on my home office wall in memory of the event. Since Michael and I had been so close in managing a totally uncoordinated outfit with a REALLY ugly tie on that day, the office had decided to "award" us both by establishing a female and male division.
Anyway, there we were at the kitchen table trying to think of things to say about Michael [in rap.] As I recall, I began with, "What can one say about a real nice guy whose claim to fame was an ugly tie?" I went on from there, discussing his hair-do. One of the other programmers at this contract had worked her way through college as a hair dresser and she had previously discussed the "toilet bowl". This is the name that hair dressers use to describe men who are partially bald. There's this emptiness atop the head with a "fringe" of hair, resembling a toilet seat.
I included this in my "rap". Michael [at the time] had one of those hair-dos that [if one were to consider partially bald men toilet bowls] more resembled a PLUNGER. It was the "shave off the sides and just let the top grow" number. Combined with his big feet, my kids had the image of a plunger wearing a HUGE shoe.
Anyway, I finished my "speech" and ran through it a few times with a black teen in the neighborhood with whom I was familiar because he came daily for tutoring in math after school. He tapped out the rhythm that I must keep while I talked.
It was both fun and nerve-wracking to deliver this one. The whole thing was designed to be humorous, but there's no room in "rap" to wait while the audience laughs. I addressed the audience with a preface that this would be a "White Woman's Rap", and explained how my kids had insisted on this being the method. The audience went nuts with laughter, and there was a black employee at the back of the room who continuously chanted, "Keep with the rhythm, girl. Keep with the rhythm."
I was shaking like a leaf on a fall tree by the time I was done.
-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), August 12, 2001.
At one time I had some respect for Jesse Jackson but not any more. If this is the man that will lead his people to the promise land then I hope they are all wearing a Mae West.Just My Opinion
-- Just (my@2.cents), August 13, 2001.