Slacker Day campaigners caught napping on the job : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


Wednesday August 8, 04:37 PM

Slacker Day campaigners get wrong day

LONDON (Reuters) - Campaigners trying to drum up support for a National Slacker Day have been caught napping on the job.

The group was so relaxed checking news releases about the campaign that it got the wrong date for the national day -- which they now confirm is set for August 24.

A spokesman for Oncus, a small clothing and record label which launched the campaign, apologised for the mistake, saying the incorrect file had been uploaded onto the website on Tuesday, but had now been amended.

Either way -- relax.

The campaigners want workers to think of their health, take it easy and sign up for a National Slacker Day on Friday, August 24.

With stressed-out British employees working the longest hours in Europe, campaigners say people should recognise the value of rest and relaxation outside the workplace.

"It is vital to understand the importance of doing nothing. Slacking is a necessity," actor and writer Simon Pegg, a supporter of the National Slacker Day, said in a statement.

"How can you possibly comprehend the value of your own hectic endeavour if you don't occasionally put your feet up and experience a state of complete calm."

The campaigners say they want to contact as many people in Britain as possible and urge them -- for the sake of their health -- to stay in bed on August 24 and enjoy a guilt-free day of relaxation and de-stress.

Supporters of the campaign can sign a petition for National Slacker Day at

-- State (of@complete.calm), August 10, 2001

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