Kinesiology and food : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

I keep on meaning to put this out here, and keep on forgetting to do it!

For those who are interested in trying a little experiment to see what foods you should or should not be eating, you can do a quick simple test with the help of one other person.

What you do is hold the "?" in your left hand with your arm out to your side. Have your right out as the old bucket drill, from the army. Then you have the other person hold steady pressure against your right arm from the top. You push up against them. Check the strength that you have...this is where the other person is really necessary. Try a bunch of different foods, the ones that make you weak are the ones you shouldn't eat. One caveat, check them on different days, because sometimes your body can be too acid, or too alkaline and the food will bring that out, so don't write off something automatically...check it a few times.

The funny thing is for me all the foods line up with that blood type diet...;}. but that isn't necessarily the case for everyone. To check weakness a can of diet cola ought to be the best indicator of absolutely rotten for you. Let me know what you find!

-- Doreen (, August 09, 2001


There's a great book called "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden that talks about this and a lot of other interesting things. It has several tests you can do to make sure the energy systems in your body are flowing correctly, and what to do to fix it if they're not. She has a video series as well.

-- Sherri C (, August 10, 2001.

Thanks! I will check into that book. I'm glad somebody thought it was interesting;}. It really does seem to work.

-- Doreen (, August 11, 2001.

I first learned about kinesiology when I was 26 and went to a specialist dentist. It does work, but there's lots of Christians that think it's satanic.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, August 11, 2001.

How can checking the strength of your arm be satanic?

-- Doreen (, August 11, 2001.

I don't know their exact reasoning, but since it isn't standard medicine it can't be good. Too bad people don't realize how controlled by "doctors and modern medicine". I have seen some pretty far out things being done by people who do kinesiology, probably better for private e-mail.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, August 11, 2001.

I checked some sites on the net about this topic and did not have to go far to come upon the ying/yang connection, and eastern 'medicine'. It says in the Scriptures that Satan has the ability to disguise himself as an angel of light. I.E. whatever it takes to seduce us away from the pure straighforward teaching of the Bible is what he will tempt us with. One of the sites alluded to the 'inherant ability of the body to heal, or diagnose itself'. Another one spoke of the 'four life/earth forces; wind, fire, heat, rain (sorry, I forgot the 4th). As a former pagan, (am now a born-again Christian), I was into hypnosis, reincarnation, the occult, extraterrestials, etc. Many of these cults/philosophies mix in 'christian' terminology. But leave out the saving blood of Jesus Christ as the (only) way to salvation. Now my little antenna goes up when I hear of 'alternative' methods of healing or knowledge that involve drawing on some kind of 'force' or 'power' in here, or 'out there'. I've heard that FBI angents are tought to recognize counterfit currency by studying the genuine. When a counterfit bill is placed in front of them, they may not be able to pinpoint immediately and exactly what is wrong, but something does not jive. Please, for the sake of your soul (and what is more important than that? Jesus asked what will you give in exchange for it?), study what the Bible has to say about 'spirits', and the occult. About 'strange fire'; about the end days and how people will 'having itching ears, and not willing to listen to sound doctrine, heap up to themselves (those who will teach them what they want to hear)' Finally, I am NOT saying these methods will NOT work. (I had an experience or two with occult stuff to confirm that something WILL happen). But, I humbly implore you, for your spiritual safety, don't tamper with these things. Dear people, they are not of God.

-- Stef (, August 11, 2001.

Stef, I am very well acquainted with all of the new age, mystic systems and was quite into divination, ouija, tarot, and all that junk. I am SAVED by the GRACE of God Almighty, and under the blood of Christ, and free of all of that.

There IS stuff to be concerned about with mixing truth and error, and I appreciate your position and concern, yet there is so much wrong with the western traditional manipulation of God's creation to unnatural levels of production and lack of concern over the design and instruction to be stewards of the creation that I eschew most allopathic medicine, because it seems much more satanic to me than the stuff the Lord created and seriously glorifies man's "intellect" above God's design and authorship. So perhaps the *truth* is that this stuff works and the *error* is in the worshiping of your bodies ability to recognize what is good for it and glorifying some pantheon of energies (spirits) instead of God?

Just because I eat Italian food doesn't turn me into an Italian, right? If I stretch and it's a recognized yoga stretch is that saying that I am a Hindu? It's just nutty to be throwing out the baby with the bath water when true evil is running unchecked. To parphrase scripture..."I am fearfully and wonderfully made...." because of God ONLY! Why should satan get all the healthy eaters and God's kids are eating wonder bread? My intent here was to provide a fast and free method of checking whether what you eat is good for you, not to make food or energy a god at all. God bless!

-- Doreen (, August 11, 2001.

I think kinesiology in itself is o.k., It's when people stare into space and say how many vitamin C pills does Jane need? Who are they talking to? The physical is explainable, the other isn't.I think that if you ask God, he'll tell you what's best for you. It may not be the same for everyone, because the other person may not be able to handle the same thing because of fear, lack of confidence, lack of faith, worry, immaturity(I think I'm repeating myself). Chew the meat and spit out the bones. God will let you know if you're messing in the wrong thing. Hope I said all that right.

I think modern medicine is one of the biggest shams ever. Just look at what some of these treatments are doing to people, esp. radiation/chemotherapy. Look what these chemicals-vaccinations have done to me. There is a natural way. Doctors have their place, especially for emergencies, but it's not so new ones can experiment and it certainly isn't so they all (there are exceptions) can get rich. The pharamcist are much at fault here, that includes places like Lily's that make the drugs. How we are manipulated. How they have used fear to control us. AAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Thanks you for letting me rant.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, August 12, 2001.

OH, one more thing, or maybe to re-state it all. Just because new age claims it doesn't make it new age; rainbows are a good example.

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, August 12, 2001.

Thank you, Cindy! I was recently in a Colorado town that caters to pagan/New Age tourists (Manitou Springs) and came away with the question: Why do the pagans get all the neat stuff? They've co-opted rainbows, crystals, incense, flute music, herbs, misty/ethereal images, and angels, for goodness sake. All of them God made and wonderful, but the pagans own them. If I tried to incorporate some of these things in my lifestyle, my Christian friends would be praying for me, worrying that I had backslid. I'm tired of something becoming untouchable for Christians just because a New Ager has embraced it. I even have friends who won't think about, let alone, eat natural food because somehow "holistic" is a New Age buzzword. I think it's time we Christians quit rolling over and allowing things that are naturally good and right become the sole posession of the pagan world.

-- melina b. (, August 16, 2001.

Check out this article ( before dabbling in Applied Kinesiology. This will explain what it really is, as well as outline the origins of the practice. It also references a double blind study conducted by scientists that will be very interesting for all who may be involved in the practice.

I would also like to respond to Cindy's claim that modern medicine is a big sham. Can Cindy imagine a world without vaccines? Without X- Rays? Without MRI machines? Without microscopes? Without antibiotics? Without aspirin for a headache? Are these things a "sham?" Let's explore just one example: Vaccines. Vaccines are a relatively recent development in modern medicine. Diseases that are now preventable using vaccines, killed large percentages of populations in different parts of the earth, prior to their implementation. The bubonic plague is a good example to consider. Also large portions of the population in America were crippled by Polio, a disease that has been all but eradicated by vaccines. Does Cindy want to return to a world free from the "sham" of that modern medical development?

A thick book could be written to describe a modern world lacking modern medicine. But who has time to sit and write obvious facts down, just to point out that some stranger hasn't considered those obvious facts and that they should be embarrassed because of it.

-- Germbly (, May 28, 2004.

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