on & off sound in creat vcd by pinnacle mp10greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hello I have a pinnacle mp10 .my computer is (cpu 733 MHz,RAM 64,Hdd 20 Gig,...) My cd writer is 4x,latly every time that I making a Mpeg file and then convert that to vcd (by nero or nti or ..)vcd playing in computer correctly but it playing in vcd player (sony or ..)by bad sound.becouse sound become off & then on every 10 second. please help me .thanks mohsen
-- mohsen (mbabazadeh@yahoo.com), August 09, 2001
dear freind, i am using mp20 and my computer is PIII 1000, 256 ram, 20 gb hd, with my sony (40x/12x/42x) writer and nero vcd is playing correctly but it is not compatible, sound is good but pictur is very bad, chackes chakes like display, if you get any solution pls send it to me devesh
-- devesh (devtech@rediffmail.com), December 02, 2002.