HUMOR - ... : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Formal dress: $120.00

Dinner and drinks before formal: $ 80.00

Having a picture passed around on the internet that shows you duct taped your boobs together: PRICELESS

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2001



The guy on the right looks like a beginner alcoholic wife-beater.

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2001

One thing I wondered, wouldn't it hurt like heck when she took the duct tape off? OUCH!

Another thing, could she have read the old TB2K forum and stocked plenty of duct tape prior to rollover, and just thought of this as a way to use some of it?

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2001

Oh that's mean! Well, at least she has something to tape together--I didn't at that age.

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2001

Duct tape = Mississippi push-up bra?

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2001

Give her a break, she can't help it if she's "crosseyed"


-- Anonymous, August 08, 2001

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