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Don't Throw Out Old Phone Books Put the phone books into the trunk of your car! When you are traveling or even running errands, you may discover you need a phone number or address. This will make it easier than trying to find a phone booth and you won't have any directory assistance charges either

Yea..here's one I'm going to go run right out and do!!!!

Three To Four

One of the joys of moving is trying to get everything working again after the move. Stereo, TV and cable all have wires that must be reconnected. Washers must be hooked up and dryers must be vented. Just when you think dryers have become plug-and-play, you encounter a problem: a 3-prong dryer plug and a 4-prong receptacle. Well, there's bad news and good news. The bad news: there is no adapter for this dilemma. The cord on the dryer (pigtail) must be replaced. The good news: this tip will tell you how to make that replacement.

If you decide to try to replace that old cord with a new one, first sketch the configuration of the slots in the receptacle. Then head to the local home center and buy a new pigtail with a 4-prong plug that matches your sketch.

Remove the old dryer cord. Next, look for a small metal strap that connects the center screw on the dryer terminal strip to the dryer housing. Remove this strap. When hooking up the new cord, the green wire goes to the dryer housing where the strap was connected, the two outside wires go to the outside screws on the terminal strip, and the remaining wire goes to the center screw on the terminal strip.

CAUTION: If you are unsure about working with electricity, get help from a qualified source.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2001


An "Eggsactly" Divine Facial Mask Here's an inexpensive way to give yourself a facial: Whip up two egg whites until frothy. Spread over your clean face and neck. (Do not put around the eyes.) Allow to dry and then rinse with cool water. This kind of a mask will tighten pores.

Painting Wallpaper

Just about anything can be painted and wallpaper is no exception. The basic requirements for any paint job apply, including a sound, clean and dry surface.

By "sound" I mean that the wallpaper is not coming off the wall. Any loose edges or seams must be re-secured before painting. When you buy primer for your job, let the folks at the paint store know what you are doing so they can tell you which primer is suitable for your purpose.

Consider this a fair warning: There is a curse that goes along with painting wallpaper. And that is your painted wallpaper will have to be removed sometime in the future, this life or the next.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2001

I am that curse! It has been my lot to remove painted-over wall paper not once, but twice! Painting over wall paper is an evil practice. Save up the money and do the job right. The next generation will thank you.

My other pet peeve along those lines are home owners who "short wire" outlets. That is, they don't have enough, so they stretch what they have. I remember someone over at TB was laughing about doing it successfully. Big bummer for the next person who has to do work on that outlet or switch.

Someday I'll write a book: Ways Being Cheap Can Harm or Kill the Next Generation.

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2001

Why are the incoming posts adding to the top?

-- Anonymous, August 09, 2001

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