CLINTON - Looking for Irish house : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

[OG Note: Don't be fooled. There are two reasons why Clinton wants a house in Ireland. The major reason is that it will give his wife even stronger support among Irish-Americans for when she wants to run for President. The second reason is that published authors, which Bill will be after he finishes his book, pay no income taxes in Ireland. For someone who so liked to spend taxpayers' money, you would think he might like to add to the cache, wouldn't you? What's betting he eventually spends more than six months a year there so as to qualify for the tax break? All those millions he earns will go untaxed. What an effing hypocrite!)


IT'S no wonder Bill Clinton's tell-almost-all book suddenly got done. Reliable sources inform me that he has his heart set on a home in Ireland that will cost him up around $3 million.

Sure, Harlem's a nice place to work and Chappaqua has its suburban charms, but Clinton (who's always claimed roots in the Ould Sod) wants the ultimate getaway, a villa in the bucolic County Kerry village of Kenmare.

I'm told Clinton has real-estate agents working on it right now. Kenmare, a place of only about a thousand residents andwith houses dating back to the early 1600s, is described as a little bit of paradise at the head of a bay where the Gulf Stream warms the climate.

It's an area with great golf courses and fine fishing (nice for his Secret Service detail) and is close enough for Bill to visit daughter Chelsea at Oxford University just across the Irish Sea.

I also understand that Clinton got to know about Kenmare from his good friend, Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahearn, who has vacationed there often and is looking to buy a house for himself.

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2001

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