Jane's tuition / John Aylmer

greenspun.com : LUSENET : lady jane grey : One Thread

Does anyone have any information on Jane's relationship with her tutor, John Aylmer? Did he teach her at Bradgate Park? And can I found out what the room was like in which she was taught?

-- Julia Copus (juliacopus@hotmail.com), August 07, 2001


Yes, John Aylmer taught Jane at Bradgate after her return from the guardianship of Seymour. I have been unable to find any description of how the room in which she was taugh looked but if I come across anything I will inform you. I have done extensive research on this subject having almost completed a novel. Hope this will be of help to you.

-- Peter Carroll (peterdaphne61@aol.com), August 07, 2001.

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