SL...Ceiling Fan size : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are popular all year around but probably most useful during the warmer seasons. Moving air is cooling air, so moving the air around in a room can make it more comfortable to live in. The debate goes on about the direction of blade rotation, but what it really boils down to is this: If you want the air blowing down on you, the blades should move counterclockwise; if you want the air to blow down the sides of the walls, the blades should run in a clockwise motion.

Fan size should be proportional to the room size, say a 32" fan for rooms up to 8' x 10' and a 52" fan for rooms around 12' x 12'. If you are doing the installation, be sure that the ceiling box will support the fan's weight. Retrofit mounting brackets are available at the usual places.

- Stephen Corwin this house has ceiling fans in every room, and some rooms have 2...they were very thoughtful when they "decorated this house."

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001


I have all my fans going, and I am still melting!!!!!!

Still a heat index of 107 degrees. I think I'll crawl into the fridge. I thought about the car, but it overheated on the way home Friday, and I haven't checked it out yet to find out why. It was in the traffic jam, and once it got going, it cooled down again. Probably needs more anti-freeze, or should it be anti-boil down here?

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001

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