More : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
-- Cherri (, August 04, 2001
WOW!!!! Those are way to cool!
-- Uncle Bob (, August 04, 2001.
I would like to have some of them blown up and placed on my wall. Nature is sooo beautiful. Glad you like them.
-- Cherri (, August 04, 2001.
Cherri only a fucking moron like you would link THAT many pics off a website. Not only do you steal money via welfare but NOW You steal bandwith too. Piece of white trash! Filthy Dirty slut.
-- Come on (, August 04, 2001.
These pictures are all from my webpage. They can be seen along with titles and comments at Please do not post these images directly into a message because it takes a lot of my (limited) bandwidth when you do (especially so many of them). I am glad that you enjoyed the pictures and wished to share them with others, but in the future please just post links to the pages I have created for them.
-- Matt Goff (, August 05, 2001.
Matt, Sorry. I didn't think the others would bother togo to the site, so I posted them here. I won't do it again. You have an incredible eye and take great pictures.
-- Cherri (, August 05, 2001.
Unk, Thanks for removing the pictures, I was feeling pretty bad about causing him problems, especially after seeing the great pictures his took.
-- Cherri (, August 05, 2001.
Link to those beautiful pictures
-- Cherri (, August 05, 2001.
It's not a huge deal. I am glad that you liked them and wanted to share them with others. I enjoy taking them and it is nice when others enjoy looking at them.
-- Matt Goff (, August 05, 2001.
You should be more careful who you talk to online. The dingdong who you're talking to now is the local Lusenet psycho. You can check out some of her lunatic rantings here.
BTW, thanks for showing up and setting her straight. Maybe she will be so embarassed now she will quit spamming this forum with pictures from all over the net. Now if you could just get her to quit writing useless drivel and take a shower, I would appreciate it. :-)
-- Harry (, August 05, 2001.