Pictures of nature (warning-picture heavy) : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
-- Cherri (, August 04, 2001
-- Cherri (, August 04, 2001.
Cherri, Very nice pictures. I'm now using the last one in the serries for wallpaper, stretched it to fill the whole screen, and it maintained it's integrity. Thanks
-- Barbee (, August 04, 2001.
Glad you like them. Every time I thought I was finished posting I found another one to add.
-- Cherri (, August 04, 2001.
These pictures came from my website ( I'm glad that you like the pictures, but please just post links to the pages where I have the pictures instead of the pictures themselves. Not only do I have a limited amount of bandwidth, but I also have comments and/or context which I would prefer to remain with the images.
-- Matt Goff (, August 05, 2001.
Matt, once again I apologize.Link to those beautiful pictures
-- Cherri (, August 05, 2001.